1. Be genuine.
There's something rare about describing someone as genuine. It's refreshing when you meet someone who's authentic, who's honest, and who means what they say. People pick up on that. You should always strive to be as genuine as possible. It's the purest type of truth.
2. Always say thank you.
Never forget to say thank you. Those two words go a long way.
3. Tell the people close to you that you care about them.
Those things are important. Let the people you love know that you care and appreciate them. Do it more often than not.
4. Handle negative situations with grace.
You are in control of your actions. Despite the negativity around you, try and handle yourself in a respectable way.
5. Live in the moment.
It's easy to overthink. It's easy to fall into a cycle of looking too far into the future or past to enjoy the present. Don't let yourself get caught up because things are never going to be like they are in this exact moment in time.
6. Be kind and stay humble.
Kindness always wins. Be humble and stay grounded because at the end of the day, those who are down to earth never lose who they are, and if they do, they'll always find their way back.
7. Have confidence.
Because even on the worst days, you have the ability to turn things around.
8. Do what makes you happy.
At the end of the day, your happiness is what matters the most.
9. Know when it's time to move on.
Whether that be from a relationship or a friendship, know when someone becomes toxic, and know that it's okay to move on.
10. What's meant to be, will be.
Life has a funny way of working itself out. Trust that and let it be.