Yes, college is the best four years of your life and yes, it goes by so quickly but there are some days that drag on and on until you feel like dropping out is the best option. But as the semester winds down and the season starts to change, everything becomes ten times more hyped.
They don't tell you how much it takes out of you.
College is the best but also the worst 4 years of your life. At least, it takes a lot out of you. The constant schedule of class, homework, trying to keep a social lie, trying to balance a perfect GPA, and of course, trying to stay involved so you can get a kick ass job one day. But there isn't enough time in a day to do everything and there aren't enough days in the week to do it all. It comes down to picking and choosing your battles when you want to do them all so you don't feel like you're failing someone or yourself. There is so much pressure that is put on your shoulders and taking one mental day just doesn't seem to cut the trick.
They don't tell you how much you take out of college.
You come to college to find yourself, to be on your own and to experience life in a whole new way. You have to take on the bad if you want the good. Since I have spread my wings and tried to find my own path, I have learned so many life valuable lessons that I can put towards the smallest things. The people I have met have shaped me in some of the best ways possible. You take what you put in.
They don't tell you how hard it is on your health.
I think in college is when the battle against yourself is the hardest. There are so many nights when you feel like you're suffocating frm trying to balance it all or the feeling of failing. You really start to question your sanity on some nights. Depression and anxiety is actually common among college students, if anything it's normal.
They don't tell you how there are options.
No matter what, at the end of the day, there are options. Your parents are a phone call away, there are professionals that are willing to listen to your problems, professors actually want whats best for students. There have always been options that just never seem to be advertised. It's just a matter of stepping up and taking ahold of those options.
They don't tell you how blessed you are.
But most importantly, they don't tell you how blessed you are and, truthfully, you never really know until you are on your own. You learn to value your family more, to value everything that is being handed to you more, everything just feels different when you spread your wings. You could get an A+ on an exam and who do you call to thank? Your parents. We face these moments in life where the smallest things bring nothing but joy and what better way to share your joy than with the people who helped you get you there?
So the moral of this?
College is the best four years but it can also be the hardest. They don't tell you this as your counting down your days until graduation or how many days left until you're in your dorm room. They build up college as this whole new world but leave out some of the most important things. They don't tell you that yeah it will be hard, but you'll be okay. Don't over do yourself and take everything one day at a time. You will make your life long friends, you will face challenges you've never had to face before. But at the end of the day, college is the biggest and greatest blessing I've ever have been given.