When preparing to go off to college, you may have looked at those "packing lists" of everything you need to bring. Most of these lists include a shower caddy and things of the like.
While, yes, you need to remember your shower shoes, there's plenty of things they don't tell you that you will need to bring to college- and quite frankly, what you don't.
1. Nike shorts and t-shirts.
I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times- people don't dress very nice when they go to class in college. At some schools, this may be different. However, most schools (particularly SEC) are full of nike shorts and t-shirt clad students. If you plan on joining a sorority, don't bring too, too many- I promise you'll get plenty during "big/little" time. You'll want to be comfortable in class and while studying, trust me.
2. So, don't bring all of the clothes you wore in high school.
If you're anything like me, you wore cute dresses and shirts every day of high school. I brought a good bit of these clothes with me freshman year, and honestly, I didn't wear nearly any of them. Make sure you bring clothes you can wear in multipurpose situations, and make sure every piece of clothing you bring has a "purpose." Your closet will be smaller than you think.
3. An extra phone charger or two.
I'm not really sure how, but I've been through countless phone chargers since I started college. They always seem to break at the worst times, so it can't hurt to have a few extra cords on hand. I usually keep one in my room, one in my backpack, and one in my car.
4. Same with an extra pair of headphones.
Headphones seem to be another thing that are "easy to lose." Have a pair or two so you can leave one in your backpack, and have one for just when you're hanging around your dorm watching Netflix.
5. A pair of "beat up" shoes.
It can't hurt to bring a pair or two of "older" shoes you have. Shoes can take a hit during college, so make sure you bring a pair that you can walk to class and exercise in, and maybe a nicer pair of shoes that you don't care as much about for going out.
6. Don't bring too many decorations.
I promise the way your dorm is decorated won't matter much to you after the first month. Bring some picture frames, and bring some things to make it feel like home, but don't go overboard. It'll also make move in easier.
7. Healthy snacks.
No one wants to gain the dreaded Freshman 15. You'll definitely want to keep snacks in your dorm room, but make sure to keep healthier ones so you don't end up eating too much mac and cheese at 3 a.m.
Remember all of these things, and you'll be all set. Best of luck!