The good old days are always happening now, so live in the moment. | The Odyssey Online
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27 Things 'The Office' Has Taught Us

"The Office" is a mockumentary based on everyday office life featuring love triangles, silly pranks and everything in between. It can get pretty crazy for just an average day at the office.

the office

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When you were little, your parents probably told you television makes your brain rot so you wouldn't watch it for twelve straight hours. However, I feel we can learn some pretty valuable stuff from television shows. "The Office," while a comedy, has some pretty teachable moments thrown in there. You may not know how to react in a situation where a co-worker does something crazy (like put your office supplies in jello) but thanks to "The Office," now you'll have an idea how to behave ifsomething like that should happen.

Here are just a few of the things that religious Office watchers can expect to learn.

The good old days are always happening now, so live in the moment.

“Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica” are the three most important topics one can talk about.

The Dundies are cooler than the Oscars.

Everybody has a Toby, and they are just someone you have to learn to deal with.

Group pictures are hard to take (especially jumping pics).

It's never too early to eat ice cream.

Schrute’s are always prepared for anything.

Except pop culture references...

Holidays are important and a very good reason to host any kind of party.

There will always be cynical co-workers to deal with.

 Putting things in Jell-O is a great use of your time.

Sometimes funny voices and personas make awkward situations easier (just ask Prison Mike).

That places you may not always love can bring you the people you love.

Determination is an important characteristic to possess.

I always get the feels when Michael tells Jim to never give up on love and Pam
by inDunderMifflin

Sarcasm is essential in everyday life.

Love can be really weird.

At Halloween time, it is trivial to come with your best costume ready.

Friendship is long lasting no matter where the future takes you.

Pranks are funny no matter the age.

Goodbyes are hard, but reunions are worth it.

"That's what she said" jokes will never get old.

Jim Halpert can say so much with just a look at the camera.

Bros should always come before hoes because...

Declaring bankruptcy isn't as hard as we all thought.

Office places can be weird and stressful at times.

Michael Scott loves Dunder Mifflin and the Scranton Office more than anything.

"The Office" truly does have a lot that it can teach us.

Whether you binged watched on Netflix, or on real TV, "The Office" probably has a special place in your heart and has taught you a lot in the time you have watched it.

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