When you have siblings, life is just a little more interesting than normal. It is simultaneously the best and the worst thing growing up. There is mischief, lots of laughs and great memories to be had when you have siblings. That said, there are some things that any kid who grows up with siblings will understand and only children will never really get.
1. Blackmail
You never know if your sibling will be the biggest snitch, or the best secret keeper.
2. Sharing anything
Clothes, food, living space, you name it.
3. Living with God's most annoying creations
We are personally tailored to annoy each other and push each other's buttons.
4. The true meaning of 'frienemies'
You can go from best friends to arch nemesis in 0.0003756 seconds flat.
5. Never, ever being alone
Maybe you don't even get your own bedroom.
6. Strategic communications
You can let your sibling know with a simple eye gesture that it's not the time to ask dad to go out tonight. Just go. Flee.
7. ALL the inside jokes
You drive your friends crazy whenever your sibling hangs out with you.
8. Getting caught in the act by your sibling
"How many times have I told you to stay out of my room?"
8. The art of diplomatic interactions
You can argue in the most creative ways.
9. The importance of keeping score
You know who owes you for what.
10. Literally always having someone to watch your back
Refer back to numbers one and nine.
11. Never being without a playmate
This is not always a positive thing.
12. Spoilers
You knew what happened at the end of the 7th Harry Potter book long before you could even read it.
13. The great lengths taken to claim food
"You can't eat that, I licked it!"
14. Loving someone doesn't always mean you like them at the moment
But blood is always thicker than water.
15. The need for a secret stash
You know those cans of orange crush won't last more than a day unprotected.
16. No matter what, family is always first
Honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way.