I like sunrises more than sunsets, and they're both beautiful, but I like the promise of a new day and the idea that everything that you feared as you laid down your head last night was somehow washed away by the hues of goldish orange.
And I like drinking warm coffee in bed in the morning, taking in some peace with each sip, a little time to think inside my own head before I have to be other places.
And I like flying on airplanes, knowing that something new awaits me, unknowing of all the experiences that will be given to me.
And I like hugging someone that I love for just long enough for our hearts to press against one another for a second.
And I like jumping into freezing cold water, because it's both stupid and spontaneous, because of the sensation that you get as you lose your breath and then get it back again.
And I like the first snowfall of the year, opening up my blinds to the world that changed completely overnight.
And I like mountains. There is something about mountains that I can never quite wrap my mind around, my most favorite things on earth to see.
And I like clear, dark nights when the stars are bold, and you somehow feel bold just laying under them.
And I like views that take your breath away, the ones that have a way of making the world seem so vast and your problems so small.
And I like the sound of rain outside my window as I curl up with a good book and a blanket, everything I need to be taken away for a little awhile.
And I like walking through the woods in silence, letting everything around me speak, and being able to listen.
And I like dogs. I like that we don't deserve them. I like their loyal to a fault natures and the way that they can always seem to sense what's wrong before people can.
And I like a smile from a stranger as you walk down the sidewalk, a little reminder that happiness is all around you when you choose to look up.
I like small moments, nothing grand, not a party or a parade or a loud attention-grabbing scene.
I like to live for the little.
The ones that last for more than a few seconds.
The ones that make you think.
The ones that stay with you as you lay down your head night after night.
I like to live for the unnoticed.
Because the unnoticed have a way of making me notice so much more.
And maybe most of all, for the things that make you know you're not just existing.
But living.