In case you didn't know, Brock Turner is the BOY who was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on the Stanford University Campus. He was convicted of three counts of felony sexual assault. He was an athlete at Stanford and on January 18, 2015, he sexually penetrated an intoxicated and unconscious 22-year-old woman with his fingers. According to Wikipedia, "Turner was apprehended by two Stanford international students from Sweden, who testified that they intervened because the woman appeared to be unconscious. As they approached, Turner fled. The two men gave chase, apprehending Turner and restraining him until police arrived to take him in custody." He actually pleaded not guilty to all accounts brought forth, yet was indicted for five charges with two for rape, two for felony sexual assault, and one for attempted rape. He was recommended for 6 years in jail, was sentenced for 6 months, and YET ONLY SERVED 3 MONTHS.
Over the past week, since Turner was released from jail, I have seen SO MANY posts that say "I have had/done/been . . . longer than the time Brock Turner was in jail," and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. The following article is going to be more of those sentiments.
1. I have been using the same tube of mascara than Brock Turner has been in jail.
2. I have had fruit/vegetables/food longer than Brock Turner has been in jail.
3.The open enrollment period for Obamacare lasted longer than Brock Turner has been in jail.
4. I've had this cold longer than Brock Turner has been in jail. -Anna Akana
5. I literally have a lemon that's been in my fridge longer than Brock Turner has been in jail for raping an unconscious woman. -@lenabitts
6.X-Men Apocalypse has been in theaters longer than Brock Turner has been in jail. -@Pharm__Cop
7. A season of The Bachelor is longer than Brock Turner's time spent in jail for raping an unconscious girl.- @Atom_Murray
8. Ok at the beginning of summer I got one of those big QT drinks, and the cup has been sitting in my car LONGER THAN BROCK TURNER WAS IN JAIL. -@alexanderanged
9.#ThingsLongerThanBrockTurnersRapeSentence -- the piece of hair on my ankle i always miss when I shave.- @KirstenKing_
10.#ThingsLongerThanBrockTurnersRapeSentence the amount of time i wait for a text back-@connietheg0at
11. #ThingsLongerThanBrockTurnersRapeSentence the marriage of Kim K and Kris Humphries
12.#ThingsLongerThanBrockTurnersRapeSentence the life span of the average character on Game of Thrones. -@lauracventura
13. #ThingsLongerThanBrockTurnersRapeSentence this guys name:
14. It takes longer to get a green card than Brock Turner was in jail.
15. It's been longer since I've been laid since Brock Turner was in jail.
16. I cried longer over my ex longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
17. My hangover lasted longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
18. My dog has been lost longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
19. I've had blue balls longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
20. I've trolled people longer than Brock Turner has been in jail.
21. I was in my mothers womb longer than Brock Turner has been in jail.
22. I was in jail for smoking marijuana longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
23. My transition process took longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
24. The season of summer lasted longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
25. My best friend has been pregnant longer than Brock Turner was in jail.
26. The Eiffel tower took longer than build than Brock Turner was in jail.
27. It took longer for African Americans to get voting rights than Brock Turner was in jail.