Over the past couple months there has been a lot of controversy over the Brock Turner case and how he got off easy for what he did. The court gave him only 6 months for raping a passed out drunk girl on the side walk, but now he is being released from Prison only 3 months into his already jokingly sad sentence. Why did he get released early? Oh ya for "good behavior", I'm sorry I didn't know convicted rapists were treated nicely.
So I took to Facebook and asked my friends what have they been using or doing longer than Brock Turner was in Prison, and here are a couple of the responses.
1.) I have been using the same tube of Mascara for longer than Brock was in Prison.
2.) I have had Poison Ivy longer than Brock was in Prison.
3.) I have moved 3 times before Brock was released from Prison.
4.) I have had my D*ck out for Harambe (may he rest in peace) longer than Brock freaking Turner was in Prison.
5.) I have had Mono longer than that f**** was in Prison.
6.) Carl lasted in Juvie longer than Brock was in Prison (for all you Shameless watchers).
7.) I have been sober longer than whats his nuts was in Prison.
8.) I've been using the same toothbrush longer than Brock Turner's been in jail.
9.) My insurance claim for when someone totaled my car took longer than Brock Turners sentence.
10.) I was pregnant longer than Brock turner has been in Prison.
11.) I've been using the same deodorant longer than he's been in Prison.
12.) I've had the same tab open on my computer for longer than Brock Turner has been in Prison.
13.) I'll be paying off student loans for longer than Brock Turner was in Prison.
14.) I've had the same box of pasta on my shelf for longer than Brock Turner was in Prison.
15.) I've had the same nail polish on longer than Brock was in Prison.
16.) I've spent more time on the toilet than Brock Turner spent in jail.
17.) My college summer lasted longer than Brock did in Prison.
18.) Brock Turner was in jail longer than it took me to find Waldo.
19.) Martha freaking Stewart had a longer prison sentence than Brock Turner did.
So yes our Government system is kinda a joke and yes Brock Turner got off way to easy. But all we can do is keeping writing funny posts about it, and try to change the world one meme at a time :)