I'm definitely a cat person. I have two very sassy felines that think they run my household. However, one's definitely a high-spirited, self-sufficient kitty; she kills mice and brings them to our door and she wants nothing to do with dogs and very little to do with most people. But the other, well, she acts like a little puppy, following around our dogs and people when she thinks she needs attention. Here's a list of things that happen when your cat, like mine, thinks she's a dog.
1. She follows around dogs.
You know, because she thinks she is one. She can't be left out while they're out exploring the yard, she might miss something.
2. She follows around people.
Because like a dog, she needs her human's attention.
3. She eats dog food.
I guess she thinks it's hers too?
4. She drinks out of the dog's water dish.
Some more of what's yours is mine with the dog.
5. She stands at attention at the door when guests arrive.
She's got to protect her house, and her people, of course.
6. She stands by the door and whines to be let out.
Forget simple meowing, that's not what dogs do, so that's not what she's going to do. She has to sound pathetic enough to get her people's attention.
7. She won't kill mice.
She's lazy, plain and simple. And like her fellow dogs know, dog food is a much easier meal.
8. She drools.
This one's self-explanatory. And gross.
9. She begs for food in the kitchen.
Like dog food, people food is obviously better than cat food.
10. She sticks her face in your plate.
If you won't give it to her, she'll get it when you're not looking, just like your dog would.
Having a cat-dog is really the best of both worlds. She may do silly dog things, but this way, she's a bit more like your loyal canine friends while still being a feline at heart (you know this by her sass that won't ever go away).