When you go to a private college, such as Hastings College, you constantly hear things like, "my parents' money" or "your parents are probably paying for your schooling." Heck, you probably hear this at any college. What many professors and fellow students don't realize, is that there quite a few of us who don't rely on mommy and daddy to pay our way through school. We have to do it ourselves. And here a few things that happen when you pay for tuition and books all on your own.
1. There are some weeks where you literally do live on Ramen.
Hey, it's cheap. It's quick. It doesn't taste too bad. What more could you ask for?
2. You never have weekends off.
Since you are paying for school on your own, you end up working every weekend. Yes, this literally means every-single-weekend. And whenever someone says they need the night off, you are the first to pick up those extra hours. You work so much, you start to sound like Rihanna.
3. You also don't "do" Spring Break trips.
Instead, you're trying to squeeze in extra hours at work or finally visiting your parents after not seeing them for two months.
4. You don't have a life.
Literally, your down time, when you do have it, consists of pizza, Netflix and your cat. Sometimes there is the occasional night out, but not very often.
5. You get overly excited when you hear the words, "Free Food."
I mean, who doesn't? But you get even more excited because that means you have more food for tomorrow.
6. Going out to eat means McDonald's.
And it's even more exciting when you can actually afford something NOT on the Dollar Menu.
7. You only watch Netflix, no cable TV for you!
Thanks, boyfriend's mom.
8. You don't waste anything.
Seriously, if you aren't going to eat everything on your plate when you come over, it will probably be my lunch for tomorrow.
9. You will wear your clothes until you literally can't anymore.
Shoes have holes in the toe, but still have the soles intact? Still wearable. And you get bummed when you have to buy a new pair, especially if you lose your shoes.
10. Your parents know you have a lack of good food, so they send you home with food.
Thanks for the pounds of home-grown beef and leftover taco bake, mom!
11. When you find money, you never let go of it until you're sure it's safe.
No living off of Ramen this week!
12. Your house is always dark and cold.
Electricity and gas cost money! This means lights off and furnace set low. I mean the very, very highest you set your thermostat, on the coldest of cold nights, is 60 degrees. Friends need to bundle up when they come over!
13. Your credit cards are almost maxed out.
Most of the time, your paychecks just barely cover your month-to-month spending. So your books and drinking...or tattoos tend to land on your credit card. I know it's irresponsible. But how else are you supposed to reward all of your hard work?!
So many people believe that college students rely on their parents to pay for their tuition, but think twice before you make this assumption. Some of us pay for college on our own.