Home for winter break, a layer of dust over everything, and newfound free-time. Why not double down and clean your room?
1. You put it off until you can't anymore
The state of your room apparently represents where your headspace is at...
2. You become disgusted with yourself for letting it get so bad
Even you can't stand how filthy it's getting.
3. You find things you forgot you had
Looks behind bed and finds three scarfs, two mismatched socks, and $20
4. You get sidetracked by memory lane
You know when you find something that has a personal memory attached to it or something from your school days or someone special, and then you just get sucked in thinking about old times and end up pulling out even more memorabilia? An hour later you remember what you were actually trying to do with no motivation to do it.
5. You purge everything
All that stuff that you don't have anywhere to put it... GONE! BYE! SEE YA NEVER!
6. ... Or stuff it all in the closet
Or just take it all and throw it in a closet to deal with at a later date.
7. You take a 5-minute break that turns into a 45-minute break
A small reward turns into a "break" that sucks all the motivation that you ever had to clean in the first place. Oops
8. You get out the heavy duty cleaning supplies
Brooms, Swiffer dusters, vacuums... Watch out, you may be the next Ghost Buster... or Dust-Buster.
9. You organize everything to your liking
Clothes are color coded, magazines are lined up, and there's nothing out of place. Perfect.
10. You vow to never let it get this bad again
After a full day of cleaning, there's no way you'll let it get this bad again... until it inevitably does.