Ahh finals week, the worst time of the year. Crack open your books and prepare to have a complete and total meltdown because a week of hell is coming your way.
1.You procrastinate then realize you screwed yourself over
During dead week you say, “it’s fine my finals are not for another week” and so you can justify being the lazy creature you are. However, when finals week rolls around it dawns on you that you have not prepared in the least and that fact makes you want to cry and rip your hair out at the same time. Why do you do this to yourself? Why?
2. You spend a nauseating amount of time at the library
Due to the fact that you haven’t studied at all before this week, you now have to start cramming. The people at the tables around you come and go but you’re nowhere close to being prepared. If you have to sit here for another minute you might throw a book at someone’s head.
3. Sleep is no longer a word in your vocabulary
What is sleep? You have no idea the last time you have had more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep. Caffeine runs your life and you feel as if you’re in a time warp. What day is it again?
4. You become completely delusional
Caffeine + no sleep + hours staring at the same page of notes= admission into a mental institution. You don’t know exactly why you’re crying but tears seem to be rolling uncontrollably from your eyes. Now you’re laughing because you think it’s so ridiculous that you’re crying at absolutely nothing. What is happening to you? Pull yourself together.
5. Everything starts to annoy you
That girl in the library that won’t stop sniffing, the guy who refuses to quit tapping his pencil. Every fiber of your being wants to punch them in their annoying faces. You have to remember this is just finals week talking. It’s going to be fine, just breathe. Punch your roommate instead.
6. You feel like death itself
At this point, you are a walking zombie. The bags around your eyes are the size of Texas and you are a slight shade of green. Finals week is almost over, you can see the finish line but are struggling to get there.
7. The week is finally over and you feel like you've been through the war
This week has been so stressful and overwhelming that you just want to melt into a tiny puddle of tears. At the same time you want to celebrate because you have successfully made it through hell and back. Break is here and finally, you can sleep.