I would have to say that most of us don't just wake up and want to have a horrible day. Most of us want to be happy and have a great day and wake up fresh and new. When I wake up, I make my tea, check my social media, eat whatever is in the kitchen, and start my day with a smile on my face not trying to bother anybody. I feel as if some people wake up the complete opposite. There are some people that are just out to get us. The ones who attempt to crush our happy spirits and ruin our great day. If you're anything like me, the following things that these people do will really grind your gears! So enjoy my rant and have a laugh or two.
1. People who don't use turn signals.
Is it that hard to lift your hand, wait no, your finger to make the little signal go "click click click" and alert the drivers around you that you would like to make a turn in the near future? I don't think so. Why do people think they are entitled to not use them?! GRINDS MY GEARS!
2. People who drive sooooo slow in the fast lane.
OK so this is the second one about cars, but it's an important one. If you are in the left lane, you should automatically know that you go faster than the right lane. Common sense. Don't go 45 in a 65 when I'm riding up behind you angrily making you get over into your respected lane. (And you don't use a turn signal because why would you?) GRINDS MY GEARS!
3. People that let the door smack you in the face when you are clearly walking in right behind them.
Hello!! I'm right here! Yeah, I'm the person you let the door hit in the face just now, thanks a ton bud! GRINDS MY GEARS!
4. People who completely ignore you when you give them a friendly smile passing them by.
I'm sorry I annoyed you with my politeness. I just wanted to spread some joy, but you wanted to spread some evil into my core. GRINDS MY GEARS!
5. People who judge you before getting to know you.
You don't know me, I don't know you. We don't know what each other has been through. Let's hug it out. GRINDS MY GEARS!
This list is small, but powerful. The individuals who do these types of things are all people too who have been through something or another. We shouldn't judge. But things can grind your gears and upset you from time to time. It is OK to feel that way. You are human, I promise you that. Pinch yourself, see? Told you. Just treat others how you want yourself to be treated and the world will be a better place. Some people might want to be treated this way by others and so that's why they act this way....hmmm...inception.