1. Being Late
Never ever ever make a us late. If you're early you're on time. If you're on time you're late. If you're late you better hope you aren't.
2. Last minute changes
Our days are planned out down to the very last second of the day. We don't have time for last minute changes.
3. Having to rely on other people
We're quite alright with doing things ourselves and probably prefer it to be that way.
We don't have time to get caught by anything moving slower than we are. Odds are we're rushing to our next event.
5. When classes/meetings/events go long and throw our schedules off
We'll try to sit there and act like everything is fine when inside we're really dying to get up and leave because we can't be late to our next event. (Refer to #1 and #2)
6. When people start to turn their tests in before us and we still have a long way to go
How are people done already?! I haven't even hit the halfway point! We will forever suffer from test anxiety.
7. When people don’t respond to a text/email right away
Odds are we need that question answered or a response is needed right away so the real question we ask when you don't respond is is WHERE ARE YOU?!
8. Waiting on our friends to make plans
We feel more and more irritated and anxious as each minute goes by. We really do not like to waste a single second of our day. But don't worry, we'll be ready to go as soon as you are!
9. When we feel like we aren’t being heard
We definitely have an opinion on whatever you're talking about and we always have a story to tell and if we feel like nobody is listening we want to scream!
10. Dealing with incompetence
What do you mean you don't understand or that you couldn't get that task done? This is one of our many flaws but that's how we work.