We all make excuses about why a relationship isn't going to work. Everyone has their deal breakers, but there are all kinds of factors that determine how a relationship will work out.
When you meet someone you really care about, a lot of those deal breakers suddenly don't matter. Of course you shouldn't settle for less than you deserve, but compatibility is a process, not a checklist. Sometimes while you're getting to know someone, you realize you don't actually care about some of the things you thought were so important, like:
1. Timing.
When you meet the right person, it doesn't matter if you have a million other things going on in your life. So, your life is already a shit storm, you're busy at school, interning full-time, and have a job. Maybe you're thinking you don't even have time for dating at all, but when the right person comes along you make time.
2. Your ex.
You genuinely thought you'd never get over your ex, and had no plans to be diving head-first into a relationship any time soon, but when you meet someone special, you stop worrying about the ex that got away, and start worrying the person you just met getting away. Stop living in the past, and look at your future.
3.Your worries about the future.
Speaking of the future, it's human nature to be worried about the future. The uncertainty is terrifying and when you meet someone, these worries don't go away but they become far less frightening because when you find yourself thinking of the future, you see them in it.
4.Your insecurities.
Everything you feel embarrassed about just doesn't matter anymore. This person should love you in spite of your flaws, and weird quirks. You have to embrace what makes you different, because it also makes you lovable.
5.Where you met.
"How did you guys meet?"
Who cares if you met somewhere totally unromantic like, at a bar, or on tinder? So what if you hadn't even expected a relationship to come out of it? It doesn't matter because what happened after you met is what really matters.
Everyone knows distance can be difficult, but don't let distance get in the way of someone you really care about, work around it. Distance is an obstacle that can be overcome.