The simple things are the ones we overlook. We see them as just that: simple, and not worth our appreciation. It almost feels as if it's deserved, because it's so simple. Have you ever thought about how life would be like without simplicity? The little things that the bigger thing can't exist without. The kid that always opens the front door to the apartment for you, or the please and thank you's. What would life be like if he didn't brush your hair behind your ears when it got in your face, or she didn't care to notice your new outfit?
Some might say that, without the little things, life would still go on. What people fail to realize is that these small things, are what accumulate to the grander things. In the Bible, it talks about God cherishing our humble beginnings (Zachariah 4:10). Humility, which represent a small and low place, builds character. Usually when people come from a lowly place, they appreciate every bit of what they have access to. They don't act like they deserve what they recieve, and the size of the blessing isn't a factor. When you truly appreciate the little thing that others do not consider, you tend to be more joyful and content; you see the bigger picture with greater insight.
Noticing others for their tiny gestures is what motivates them to do more things; this is why people go the extra mile. When I was around 11 years old, my parents would have my siblings and I do chores. My job would be to wash the dishes, but I'd also clean other areas that I wasn't expected to. My parents would become excited because I took a tiny extra step. This excitement for something so small, made me excited to do more; it was like I got an extra boost in energy. Don't be quick to over look the small things, they reap immense beauty. Remember it takes billions of unseen atoms to form massive sky scrapers.