You can find part 1 of this article here.
1. The creation and existence of Netflix
If it weren’t for Netflix, I would never have gotten to know the much needed and deserved hype for shows like Friends, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Parks and Recreation, Jane The Virgin, and the other countless amount of shows I still need to watch. There has basically never been a day of boredom, needless to say.
2. To not go to a college with a huge campus
Although my classes are a 10 to 15-minute walk away from my dorm, I’d rather have the liberty to wake up 20 minutes before class starts than to have to take a shuttle or bike across many parts of a campus for minutes on end.
3. To have Taco Bell and Starbucks in my Student Union
Taco Bell Tuesdays are now an essential part of life that I cannot live without, as well as having Starbucks to be there for me when I feel like splurging on my dining dollars and not going to the dining commons for coffee.
4. To be eligible for all sorts of discounts
Up to like $400 off your Macbook plus a free pair of beats at the Apple store for being a college student?! At this point, my driver’s license can be replaced by my student ID (that’s a joke please don’t do that).
5. Not having to live a bell schedule life
Although I was put into an 8:00 a.m. class by San Jose State University in order to be in the same classes as other engineers, I’m so happy I don’t have to sit through class after class from 8:00-3:00 like I did my whole life prior to college (don’t worry seniors, you’re almost there!)