As we grow older, we all question why we did certain things when we were younger. As I look back on the past, I find myself asking myself this question so much. Would my life be any different if I didn’t do what I did in the past? How would my life be different? If I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would tell her the knowledge I have now. Here are eight things I would go back and tell my younger self:
1. Don’t chase after people
You’re so much better than that. If someone was meant to be in your life, they’d be in it. Don’t keep chasing after someone who keeps running away. You’re not desperate for company. You’re worth so much more than that. You deserve someone who genuinely wants to be with you.
2. If people don’t want to be in your life, show them the door
These people are often the toxic people in your life anyway, so just get rid of them early. You do NOT need these type of people in your life. They make you miserable and you know it. Stop pleasing all their needs because it just hurts you more and you’re too shy to speak up about it. Again, you are better than that!
3. Don’t kill yourself trying to please everyone else
You cannot go through life trying to please everyone. It’s okay to say no sometimes. You can not please everyone. Agreeing to do something that is only going to hurt you is not okay, especially if the other person is ungrateful about it. Don’t put yourself in those uncomfortable situations. They are not fun and will only hurt you even more. You can and will find people who appreciate you for your morals and standards. Find them.
4. Set your standards high
Do NOT settle for less than you deserve. That means, don’t date the boy that takes advantage of you; don’t date the boy who treats you like an object; don’t date the boy that only wants you for sex. You will find a guy that knows your worth. He is the man that you want in your life. Date the man who appreciates you; date the man that shows you off to the world; date the man that you see a future with. I understand it may take a couple trial and errors to find him, but while you wait for him, don’t lose sight in who you are and what you stand for. Know what you want, and do not settle for less than that. Don’t give into a little boy’s words.
5. Do not give into peer pressure
This is so self-explanatory. I’m not sure why I would have to tell myself this. You’re better than this. You are your own person and you do not have to do what everyone else is doing. You know that.
6. Be yourself
Don’t mask who you really are in order for people to accept you. Be weird, be silly, be outgoing. That is who your mother raised you to be. You are your own person. Don’t be what everyone else wants you to be. If people try to dictate who you are, leave them. They aren’t worth your time and they aren’t worthy of your friendship. You want to be around people who will let you be yourself and not care who you are as a person. You will find these people. Just be patient.
7. You are beautiful
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! I will say it a million times if I have to. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Stop looking in the mirror and comparing yourself to the models in the magazines; YOU ARE NOT THEM! You are your own individual. Stop comparing yourself to others. Just like Christina Aguilera said, “you are beautiful, in every single way.” Every inch of your body is beautiful. Love your body, love your curves. Someone loves every inch of your body and they will love you for the woman you are. You are not defined by the number on the scale, or the size number on your jeans.
And lastly,
8. Be happy
I know this is easier said than done, but remember, if you follow the other advice I just gave you, you will be a lot happier in your life. I want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy. All the past struggles will carry over throughout the years and you do not need that. Get rid of the negativity in your life as soon as possible and you will be a lot happier. Keep that smile on your face every day. You have a beautiful smile and the world deserves to see it.