I remember when I was little, I adamantly denied that I would ever want children. My mom would always say that maternal instincts would kick in eventually, and I never did believe her. But she was right, as mothers usually are. I find myself wanting kids eventually.
Recently there has been a lot of hate in our daily lives. We have seen hatred in almost every form, and I have heard and seen many people saying, “I wouldn’t want to raise a child in this cruel world.”
While I agree that it is scary, knowing that an unknowing, innocent being will be thrust into chaos, I absolutely want to raise children in this "cruel world". John F. Kennedy once said:
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see."
While I am not completely happy with the condition of the world at present, the best way I can change the future is to raise the people who will be a part of it. I will teach them to embody all of the things the world is lacking.
First, I will show them compassion, and I will teach them how to share their own compassion with others. We will learn that regardless of someone else’s past or present, they are to receive compassion and understanding. I hope they love the world as much as I love them.
Second, they will learn to be passionate. I want them to have a fire in their souls for the things that they love, and I want them to pursue these things regardless of what they are told they can’t do. I hope they never lose faith in themselves, because their futures know no limits.
Third, I will teach them joy. True joy, that comes from within. I never want them to think they need to seek happiness from anywhere other than where they already are. Friends will come and go, material things won’t last forever, and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Finally, we will learn gratitude. We will spend time understanding how others may not have the opportunities our family has. I want them to understand that they may not (ever) “have it all”, and that’s okay. You don’t have to have it all to be truly grateful for what you already have.
I find myself frustrated that I can't do much to change the future for my children. But, what I can do is prepare them to be influential adults. I hope the world doesn't break them. I will do my best to make sure that doesn't happen.
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."
— Frederick Douglass