Writer's Block: The condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing.
In other words, a brain fart.
Getting a case of writer's block is never fun, especially when you wait until the very last minute to write a two page paper that's due the next morning. Those who suffer from a bought of writer's block may also experience emotions like frustration or panic.
Good news for you, dear reader, I have assembled some of the best ways to fight off writer's block before it's too late.
1. Take a nap
I know that it seems like a weird tip. The thing is, taking a nap will allow you to wake up and view your work with fresh eyes.
2. Search for inspiration
Do some research on whatever topic you're supposed to be writing about and gather inspiration from what you find.
3. Brainstorm
On the other hand, if you haven't been given any specific topic to write about-you could brainstorm. Write down every single idea that you comes to you-big or small. No idea should be excluded.
4. Change Your Environment
Sometimes your brain fart (or writer's block) could be caused by your environment. For example, if you do your homework at your desk usually-try switching it up.
5. Go For A Walk
This is a way to relieve stress. If you're feeling frustrated from lack of creativity-go for a walk. Allow yourself time to clear your head and then go back to writing.
6. Write Whatever Comes To Your Mind
Give yourself permission to write terribly. The idea is that you're trying to jog your mind. Get back on to your usual creative streak. Remember, you can always go back and edit what you wrote.
7. Use the Pomodoro Technique
Set a timer for 25 minutes and for that time period all you can do is write. Don't pick up your phone or open your laptop. For those 25 minutes you need to work. Once those minutes are up, you can take a 10 minute break. Repeat this over and over until you finish.
8. Eliminate All Distractions
Take steps to take away all of the things that you know will distract you from a completely the task at hand. For example, put your phone on airplane mode in order to prevent any notifications coming through and to turn off the wifi.
9. Move Your Body
You don't have to do a full on work out! You could just go for a run or do a little bit of yoga. Just do something to get your blood pumping. Activity like this can release endorphins that help with memory and cognition.
10. Talk To Someone
Sometimes picking someone else's brain can help super charge your own.
Ten ways to cure writer's block (aka a brain fart).