17 Things That Strangely Summarize The Emotions Of A College Student | The Odyssey Online
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17 Things That Strangely Summarize The Emotions Of A College Student

17 Things That Strangely Summarize The Emotions Of A College Student

College -- simultaneously the best and worst time of your life thus far. All college kids can relate to the highs and lows that come along with the experience of it all, but here's a list to epitomize said "lows."

1. The end of a burrito when everything is falling apart.

What's messier -- your Chipotle or your life? The world may never know.

2. Daffy Duck in "Space Jam" when he gets smashed by one of the Monstars.

Ah, the sweet sensation of delusion and wanting nothing more than to go back to being 5 years old again.

3. Squidward when he gets stuck in the wrong time period and is surrounded by all things chrome.

Sometimes you just to have to lay on the ground in the fetal position and have an anxiety breakdown about the future. It's casual.

4. A thread in a sweater that's been tugged so much that it's almost completely unraveled.

It's called fashion, look it up. (Right?)

5. A tube of toothpaste that literally has nothing left in it, yet you still continue to squeeze it for all it's worth.

Giving new meaning to the word "empty."

6. A Nature Valley granola bar.

Consistency [kuh n-sis-tuh n-see] (noun) -- my snack is a mess and so is my life.

7. Every character in a Snickers commercial before they get their Snickers.

When you've been so swamped that you somehow skipped two meals and didn't even notice until you look up, it's dark outside, and your stomach is actually yelling at you. "Hangry" is a real emotion, and it is a powerful one.

8. A Jenga tower that's one block away from collapsing.

When people ask you, "How's life going?" refer them to the GIF above.

9. SpongeBob when he forgot everything except fine dining and breathing.

This one being especially applicable during finals week. If it's not going to be on the test, don't talk to me about it.

10. The end piece of bread.

This one hits home way too well. End piece, you and I are one and the same.

11. A bouncy house at the end of an event after it's been deflated and it's just lying on the ground.

It used to exude so much happiness and liveliness, but now... just... just look at it, it's so sad.

12. Pluto when it was demoted from being a planet.

We've all been there. It's okay, Pluto, I feel you.

13. That other member of Destiny's Child that wasn't Beyonce or Kelly Rowland.

Seriously, does anyone actually know the name of the girl on the left?

14. Likewise, any member of NSYNC that wasn't Justin Timberlake.

This is understandable, though; how could that ramen noodle hair not be the center of attention at all times?

15. The Mars Rover when it sings happy birthday to itself every year as it's been programmed to do.

Hey, someone's gotta do it.

16. Tina Belcher when she tries coffee for the first time.

Coffee -- the cornerstone of every college student's functionality and survival.

17. Patrick Star when he forgot who his parents were.

"Janet? Marty? Who are you people?" But seriously, being away from home for too long will actually drive you to insanity.

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