By now, most college freshmen are out of school and are either trying to figure out where they went wrong freshmen year or reminiscing at their Facebook photo albums crying because they want to be on campus again. Either way, Freshmen year is always an experience and you leave wishing someone had told you the things you really needed to know. So upcoming freshmen check this out
1. Classes
Everyone is going to tell you to go to class...GO. Even if attendance is optional, all the slides are posted online, and you decided to pull an all-nighter GO TO CLASS. Going to class is an easy way to make sure that you're staying ahead and on top of your work. In addition to that, get to know your professors. Do yourself a favor and GO TO OFFICE HOURS; really once a professor knows your name out of the hundreds of students they have you've helped yourself more than you know. When it comes to classes, you're going to end up bonding with someone in every class and for everything that's good and pure be their friend because guess who's gonna have those notes that one day you skip class (cause that day will come) they will. All in all still be a student. You're at school for a reason don't waste your time or your money.
2. Roommates, Housing, RAs OH MY
Housing is probably one of the most important aspects of college because while you think you'll spend most of your time in the library like they do on tv, I can almost guarantee you are gonna spend most of the time in your dorm...probably sleeping...or eating. Choose your dorm wisely and I MEAN WISELY. When thinking dorms think real estate; its all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. I mean the dorm with private bathrooms is all cute and nice until you have a fifteen minute walk to class every day *sips tea*. With a dorm comes a roommate. Now your roommate could either be the best thing that happens to you or the worst thing you've ever experienced. Most schools have where you can do a random selection, which normally turns out pretty good, but to be on the safe side, look into who you roommate is and if you think they'll be a good match. Your roommate can literally be your lifesaver, alarm clock, or in my case, personal therapist. Dorms and roommates are important, but nobody will ever have your back like your RA. Your RA is probably going to stay at the end of your hall and be the one that will tell you all the dorm rules and regulations, and on move in day they'll probably be standing on you hall like
Your RA is the closest thing you're going to get to a parent at college so pay attention to the GroupMes, they're for your own good.
3. Friends
A very important almost crucial part of college is your friends. Your friend group can easily be a determining factor in your success. If all your friends do is party and sleep, guess what you going to do?? Party and sleep. Honestly onestly its easier to make friends in college than to make an A in a class. You can make a connection with people in college in the weirdest way and become the best of friends. Like in my case, the girl that helped me carry a tissue to my room on move-in day is now my best friend. Friends in college can get you through just about anything. Whether it be a sickness, a failed test, a forgotten paper(it happens), or simply a case of homesickness, having a good friend and/or friends can make college that much easier. Either way, you'll come back from breaks searching for them just to have this moment
4. Parties
Now the part you've all been waiting for...the parties. There's truly nothing more refreshing than going to that one party ( or three parties) after a long stressful week or a long week of nothing. There is ALWAYS going to be a party somewhere in college, emphasis on this statement during football season. Parties are the great escape for college students; the feeling that you have listened to loud music and jumping around with 3 friends and about 50 other people you don't know is amazing and refreshing, and honestly, it'll make you wonder what you're doing with your life. There's nothing wrong with partying as long as you have handled your business first. If you have a paper due Sunday at 11:59 and a party you want to go to Saturday, stay on campus and do the paper. Don't lie to yourself saying you'll do it Sunday during the day cause nine times out of 10 you won't and that's just how it goes sometimes. So, party relieve some stress just do it after you've done everything else.
College is a great place that will make life so much more exciting, but freshmen year can be hard. It's an adjustment and most freshmen are stressing and struggling long before you see that picture of them smiling with their friends. Hang on upcoming Freshmen you'll get through it.