When social work became my calling, I had no idea how many times I would be asked to justify my major to anyone that asked. To me, going into a profession that works to constantly improve the lives of individuals in the community seemed like good thing, but this isn't a view point that is widely held. You may not think what you say about my major is discouraging, but from someone that has heard it all, it really doesn't provide much encouragement. That being said, here are the things social work majors are tired of hearing.
1. Oh, are you sure?
I have never been more sure that I want to devote my life to helping people. Everyone has a reason they chose their degree. It can be as simple as liking math, so they are going to pursue a degree in mathematics. How is social work any different? I want to improve lives and see changes made for the betterment of our community and nation, so I chose social work.
2. Do you really want to work for the government?
First off, social work doesn't just entail government employment. It reaches into a braod spectrum of professions and can be found in nearly any type of organization. But for those that choose to go into government, they are still getting to help people, and that in and of its self is more than worth it.
3. So-and-so did that, but they quit because it was too
Wow, thank you. That is exactly the encouragement I needed.
4. You know you won't make any money,right?
Yes, and I don't care. Money shouldn't be the only thing that you look at when you consider a job. I want to see the impact. I want to know that when I'm old and retired I can look back at my life and see how many lives I helped to improve. Why? Because people matter to me.
5. Do you really want to work with those types of people?
Ah, this is my favorite one. Because what gives you the right to categorize everyone? What is it that makes it okay for you to put yourself on a pedestal and look down on anyone? The people that I want to spend my life helping are no different and no less valuable than any one else. We can't control circumstances. It could have just as easily been you needing help to make ends meet, seeking help with an addiction, or even trying to find a place of safety when your country is in turmoil. Keep an open mind becasue "those people" may one day change the world.
I love my major. I love the people that are in it with me. I know that we will change the world. I look toward the future and I can tell you for a fact that social workers are going to be the ones forming it. Rather than tearing us down for our choice, try to see humanity the way we do, full of potential. You would be surprised at how fast your world view changes when you do.