High school is your so-called preparation for college, and although you may learn a little bit of math (2+2=4) and some history (Chistopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492), I can think of plenty of valuable lessons that they don't teach you there. There are a few things that you should learn while in college, and definitely while you're in your 20s. Honestly, I am taking this advice myself right now.
1. Save your money!
Ugh. Probably the biggest struggle, and that's why it is coming in at number one. Your parents always tell you "save now so you can learn how to in the future." I think mine told me this a hundred times a day, but yet here I am, a sophomore in college, eating sour skittles for breakfast because that is all I can afford. Save, save, save! Your life will be so much easier when your car breaks down, your phone shatters two months into having it, or you want to take a spontaneous trip, if you have saved. Believe me, your 30-year-old self will thank you for your saving habits.
2. Be good to your body.
As much as pizza and beer may sound good just about every day of the week, sooner or later, your body will catch up to you. I'm not saying eat a salad and work out every day, because that's is not even realistic, or fun for that matter, but maybe once a week to start out. Keep eating that pizza, but know it's probably not necessary to order it every night that you go out. You body and your bank account will thank you for this one.
3. Be handy.
Single for life means that you need to learn a few jobs that are stereotypically said to be for the other sex. Learn to change a tire, fix a light bulb, cook a real dinner, and sew a button. These are probably some of the most valuable lessons that are not taught in the classroom, so make sure you don't miss out on this knowledge.
4. Learn about life.
Being 20 and living on your own is hard. You know basically nothing about the world, and if you do, good for you. Learn to balance a checkbook and what a 401k is. Pay attention to politics once in a while and register to vote.
5. You're young.
You're young and naive and it's okay! Having your life together is boring. It's okay to make mistakes, but learn from them now. Being in your 20s is fun! It doesn't mean that you need to get a 9 to 5 job and buy a house, but just learn a few more things than you did in high school. Living on your own will be much easier if you do!
Mom and dad won't be around forever, so learn as much as you can from them now!