There are many things in our lives that we forget to be grateful for. Sometimes we get caught up in life, with all the work, drama, stress, and obligations. We don't ever stop, and take a breath. We don't take a few seconds to remind ourselves how lucky we are at a certain point. It's very easy to recap the negative, but not so easy to see positivity throughout the day. So here is a reminder - a few things that you should think about next time.
1. A Beautiful Day
It's a Monday and you're cursing the fact that you have to get up and go to work or school. You force yourself out of bed, get ready for the day, and leave. After five minutes, you are sweltering from the heat and want to get out of the sun. You stay inside all day and avoid going outside at all costs. Instead of soaking up the Vitamin D and appreciating the sun, you box yourself in a room with AC. Next time, remember that you will be craving that sun on a snowy, cold day.
2. A Good Book
Lately, everything is online, even books. There is nothing better than the smell of a new book and feeling how crisp the pages are; but there is also nothing like feeling a book that is worn from being read so many times. That's when you know it's been appreciated. People are now watching TV, on their phones or laptops, and they forget what it is like to get lost in a story.
3. An Old Friend
All of us have that one person who we grew up with. The person who became our best friend so fast, and was there for us every day. Even when the two of you went your separate ways, they were still a presence in your life. They have your back throughout it all, and truly care about you.
4. A New Friend
New people constantly walk into our lives, but it's the ones that stick around who matter the most. New friends are a clean slate. People who don't know your past and haven't seen you through your awkward stage. As you get closer, they earn your trust and you finally let them in.
5. Rain
There is nothing worse than having a good hair day, and it pours on you. Running through the downpour with no umbrella or raincoat just leads to being cold and very wet. Rain does have its downsides, but it also brings good things. Rain is what helps grass and plants grow. Flowers bloom and Spring finally comes around the corner. Hearing rain on the window makes you want to curl up in a blanket, and the smell of dew in the morning is so fresh and sweet.
6. An Old Song
We can't seem to memorize math equations, science concepts, or vocabulary, but we can still remember that 2004 Pop Song that we all sang. Lyrics just stay in your brain forever, so when that old song comes on, you know every single one. That's when you blast the music and proceed to embarrass yourself for three minutes.
7. Long Phone Calls
Texting has been a great addition to our lives, and it's a much faster way to communicate. Regardless, cell phones can still call people (did you know that??). It's crazy how many people won't call others anymore. Hearing from a parent, friend, sibling, another family member, or significant other can change your mood. You'll find yourself laughing and enjoying it. Sometimes you just need to hear someone's voice.
8. Real Mail
Getting mail that isn't bills or some kind of spam mail is pretty rare. I always think it's sweet when someone takes time out of their day to write something for you, put a stamp on it, and physically mail it to you. It takes more time, sure, but the significance is much greater. It's nice to know someone cares that much.
9. Our Ability to Hear
Our ability to hear is definitely the sense that we take for granted the most. We focus too much on the bad noises. A dog barking, early morning construction, someone snoring, and your alarm clock may make you want to put earplugs in. But what if you couldn't hear music. Or the sound of the ocean. Or even someone's voice complimenting you. The positive sounds definitely outweigh the occasional screech.
10. Someone's Love For Us
You may think this is a more obvious one, but it's so easy for us to take someone for granted. There are people in our lives, whether they are family members, friends, or your significant other, who would do anything for you. They are there for you constantly, and they don't always feel as if you appreciate them. You may not even realize it, but no one deserves that feeling.
So take today to say thank you to the people in your life. Tell them you love them. Next time you walk outside and it's a beautiful day, embrace it. Remember when your phone rings and you may not want to answer it, it may be the best conversation you will have. We focus on the negative aspects and complain about our days, but seem to forget that a positive perspective can make you see the beauty in anything.