No matter how far away your college is from your house, there are always opportunities to savor some things that are not available or accessible while at school. For example, you get to spend some quality time with your pets and family. Apart from the company, there are also amazing other key things to savor.
For example, you can go to your fav coffee shop, workout place, or of course sleep in your own bed and shower without the sandals. Not to mention unlimited access to the fridge. Since being at college I have almost forgotten completely what its like to have three meals a day.
A traditional eating schedule becomes a foreign concept when you have your day filled with social outings and classes. Usually, I find myself grabbing a bagel on the go to my next lecture hall. In the mornings, I find myself trying to swallow the crappy coffee from the dining hall, while at home you can sip (out of a mug) some warm earl grey tea snuggled up in the couch with your coziest blanket.
There is a major difference, trust me. Even if you are not going crazy with activities and family time, just relaxing at home is a step up from trying to get comfy with the limited pillows on your Twin XL bed in the dorms, also with another person just a few feet away.
Try to appreciate the quiet and serenity of having your own space and your own time. Working out and being active is almost the biggest game changer for me. At school finding motivation to workout is like finding a needle in a haystack. However, while at home you are eating relatively healthy, getting better sleep, and maybe skimping on the alcohol you can tell yourself to do a workout class and actually follow through with it.
I love going to classes because once you pay money there is no backing out, you have to go! My personal fav is SoulCycle. However, since I go to school in a frozen tundra there are no spin classes to be found. However, when I am home, I can sign up for as many classes as I want.
Also, I live in California, so I feel much more inclined to work out when its 75 degrees and sunny out. Appreciate the little things around you like good coffee, family time and food that doesn't come out of a box, but your mom's frying pan. Savor every last thing, no matter how small, because soon enough its back to the dorms you go.