I worked my first and only retail job for about 11 months before I quit. I started out super excited and eager to work, but towards the end, I started to resent it and the person I had become. Since I had to put on a happy the-customer-is-always-right attitude every day, I came home exhausted. Sometimes I would have amazing interactions with customers and sometimes it was a struggle. However, I was lucky enough to work at my favorite retail store at the time. It was where I made new friends, gained important communication skills, and developed a strong work ethic. Maybe you can relate to everything I just said. Regardless, here's a list of things you will relate to if you've ever worked in retail.
1. Customers arguing with your return policy.
Listen, I understand that you were told that the customer is always right, but you've been lied to. Our return policy is printed on every receipt, is available on our website, and is on a little plaque right in front of you. You were supposed to return this within 30 days and it has been three months.
2. Having your freshly organized work be destroyed.
Every time I would finish organizing a section of clothes, customers would come in and sloppily undo my hard work. The worst part is when I offer to get you a size so that you don't have to sift through everything, but you say no and proceed to be messy.
3. When there are still five customers left and the store has closed.
The faster you leave, the faster I leave.
4. "Are you ready for the weekend?"
Thank you so much for caring about my life, but in the world of retail, there is no such thing as a weekend. In fact, I work mostly on weekends.
5. When a celebrity enters the store.
TBT to that time Big Ang (RIP) came into my store and I briefly helped her shop.
6. When a scammer's card gets declined.
Get a real job and hustle for your money like everyone else.
7. When every customer needs your help just as you're about to clock out.
Please release me.
8. When you finish closing the store at 1 am
9. "Is this on sale?"
Was it in the sale section? Does it have a markdown sticker on it? Are there 20 more of them being sold for full price right behind you?
10. Insert the chip...no, the CHIP
Do not swipe your card unless you don't have a chip on it. I don't make up the rules and yes I know this is very frustrating for you.
11. Listening to the same playlist all day
Wow, I haven't heard this one before!
I know that there are harder jobs out there, but retail is still pretty demanding. All of this nostalgia is making me miss retail in a twisted way.