Now that summer is officially here, a lot of us will be going on our much needed vacations. We will spend hours planning our trips and how we're going to get there, but there is one task that is above all the worst to go through. The packing. Everyone dreads having to make sure we pack everything needed for the vacation and not forgetting anything important. There are some things we all need to remember when packing for our getaways that would be completely awful if we were to forget them.
1. Clothes...Obviously
It's not only that we need to make sure we have enough clothes for the trip, but extras for, you know, just in case. You want the perfect outfit for any possible event that could happen during your trip. Possible rainstorm? Rain Jacket. Laying out on the beach the whole time? Have multiple bathing suits. Might run into your future husband/wife? Bring the best clothes you own! You never know what can happen on your vaca, so you should be prepared! Just hopefully you can close your suitcase when you're done.
2. Charger
For the love of everything that is good in this world, do NOT forget your phone charger. What happens if there is an emergency on your trip and you need to get a hold of someone? What if you are stuck in the car/train/plane with someone who's trying to talk to you? You have to make sure you are prepared and that phone is totally charged for your vacation. I mean, how else are you going to insta all those awesome photos?
3. Shoes
Ok, Yes. We all want to look our best this summer and that definitely means when we are on our vacation too. But, if your trip involves a lot of walking or standing in lines, you might want to forget the heels or high wedges, instead choose keds or comfortable sandals. Your feet will definitely thank you later when you're not covered in blisters and band-aids.
4. Wallet
I'm going to sound like everyone's parent for just a second, but make sure to remember your wallet, IDs/Passport, and money. On the topic of money, everyone feels like the richest person on vaca, but make sure to budget your money. You don't want to end up broke during the middle of your vacation and now you're basically screwed. It's ok to go a little crazy, but at least make sure you have enough money to last the whole time.
5. Hygiene items
This is obvious, but please. I Beg you, do NOT forget any of the necessary items needed to make yourself smelling and looking great. The world thanks you!
Now go and have a fun memorable trip! I still feel like I'm forgetting something though...