During the time of the week before finals, here I am procrastinating every single thing I have to do doing anything but what I should be doing. Here are the top 5 things I much rather do than sit and study for finals:
1. Watch Netflix
Let’s be honest here, we all know you much rather be laying in bed binge watching the series you’ve been watching, start a new movie, or just find something new to watch. Whatever it is that you choose to watch, or are watching, it is simply just better than studying for finals.
2. Hangout with your friends
You know you rather be doing some random things with your friends than sitting in the library with books upon books and study guides. You rather be going for random target runs, going to get coffee from Starbucks, or even just going to Panera Bread for a nice lunch. You might even just want to lay in bed and do absolutely nothing with your friends, but anything is honestly better than studying for finals.
3. Shopping
Driving to the mall and walking around window shopping or going into the stores and finding something new to buy is simply just a stress reliever. Online shopping is just a simple addiction that probably every girl has and is even more fun because you get to lay in bed and not even have to drive anywhere. However you shop, which ever way you choose, it is just simply better than studying for finals.
4. Hangout with your dog
Being with that little pup, or the big dog, always just puts a smile on your face. Whether you’re in the backyard throwing around a ball, going around the block for a walk, or just laying in bed with the dog, it is just simply so much better than studying for finals.
5. Writing this article
I’ve been sitting in the library for hours upon hours studying and have distracted myself in more ways than I can remember. Writing this article was more fun than finishing up the paper that I have due or making a study guide for one of the many finals I have next week.
Overall, you know there’s so many other things that you much rather be doing than studying for finals. The end is in sites, almost hear, and when it’s all over, Christmas is here. Within a week they’ll all be over and there will be no more stress.