1. You have been asked if you can read someone’s mind more than once.
2. You’re constantly studying other people’s body language
Which way was it that people look when they lie?
3. You over analyze everyone... including yourself.
You can’t help it!
4. You are the person that everyone always talks to… even strangers will walk up to you and tell you their life story.
5. Nothing makes you angrier than one someone says something like “I have such bad OCD about that” or “that gives me such bad anxiety”
6. Videos of people with traumatic brain injuries or rare conditions fascinate you like nothing else.
Phineas Gage?? Don't even get me started.
7. You can probably recite dates, locations, and summarize more psychological studies than you'll ever need to know.
8. You use all of the "mind tricks" you know when studying…
Including putting candies for yourself throughout your readings