As the girl who identifies as a plant mom since I'm not ready for pets, I can verify that I have, in fact, said all of these things. So, if you suspect you may be a little bit more than a plant lover, check this list and see if you have said these things too.
1. Okay, do NOT let me get another plant
Yeah...good luck stopping them.
2. Well I can go and just LOOK...
This is your first mistake. You never JUST look at the cute baby plants.
3. *GASP* Look how cute this one is!
Josie Murray
The tiny plants are extremely cute...that's how you get sucked in.
4. Nope, I don't need it.
*Continues to hold the plant and stare at it, trying to convince yourself you REALLY don't need it*
5. But I can't just leave him here! They probably don't even water him...
Josie Murray
You can and should leave him there because I guarantee he is being watered. Even if he isn't, someone else will come and rescue him soon.
6. I'm just going to take this ONE home with me.
*Already has 57 other plants taking up the dining table back at the apartment*
7. Obviously I'm going to name him
Josie Murray
Because all of your other plants have unique names and you label their pots accordingly so you never forget a name.