Clinical depression is so incredibly common, especially in college students. As we navigate our way through life, we are at a constant battle with the monster that is depression. It can be hard to explain to others who don't have depression what it's really like for us. Here are some things that those of us with depression wish those without depression would understand:
1. There’s a difference between feeling depressed and having depression.
Sure from time to time everyone feels down, but there is an extreme difference between feeling sad and suffering from depression.
2. We are going to have good days and bad days.
Depression can happen in cycles, come and go sporadically or be constant. There is no way of predicting of how depressed we’ll feel each day, we just wake up hoping our brains decide its going to be a good day.
3. We like to sleep--a lot
Often times we feel incredibly tired and warn out, making sleep our best friend. Not only can sleep help us feel a little better, but sometimes sleep can serve as an escape from the pain we are feeling.
4. Telling us you feel depressed sometimes too does not make us feel better.
In fact, it is incredibly frustrating. Having a mental illness is an extreme struggle for us. Trying to relate to us by saying that sometimes you may feel sad or down doesn’t help. The truth is that you’ll never be able to fully understand what we’re feeling and we understand that.
5. We don’t always have a “reason” for feeling depressed.
Just like any illness, there is something not right with our body. We are not feeling depressed because a specific thing happened, but because we have a chemical imbalance in our brain. Events can trigger depression but there is never a concrete reason as to “why” we are feeling the way we are.
6. We can’t help it.
Depression is a heck of a thing to deal with. If we could will this illness away, we would do it in a heartbeat.
7. Telling us to “be happy” or “think positively” won’t help us feel any better.
Trust us, we are trying with all of our might to be happy and positive. We haven’t forgotten about these things. We are thinking, wishing and striving for them constantly.
8. We need space.
While at times it may seem as if we are excluding ourselves from others, we are just taking the alone time we need. We are feeling a lot of emotions and sometimes just need time to ourselves to digest our thoughts and feelings.
9. Motivation is hard.
When we are feeling depressed, we have lost our sense of motivation. Whether is be going to class or work, or simply getting out of bed, we have to put in ten times the amount of effort than normal just to function.
10. We are at war with ourselves.
Like any mental illness, we are constantly battling our own minds. Our brains are telling us things like ‘we are not good enough’ or ‘nobody likes us.’ Even if we can logically think these emotions out and know they are untrue, we cannot rid ourselves of feeling them as truths.
11. We need to talk about it.
We are feeling so alone in the world that sometimes we need to talk about it. Even though it may be hard for us to do, talking about how we are feeling can be very therapeutic.
12. We can’t “snap out of it.”
There is no magical cure for depression. Even with treatments like medication or therapy, there is nothing that can make depression completely go away.
13. Sometimes we feel like zombies.
There are days where we are just going through the motions. We want to live life to its fullest, but some days we are too far into our own thoughts and feelings that there is no escaping it.
14. We are strong.
We are fighters. We are struggling every day to make it through the day with a smile on our face even when all we want to do is break down.