1. So, what do you eat?So. Much. Food. The vegetarian options out there are almost endless.
2. Where do you get your protein from?I've gotten this question so may times I am starting to wonder if people know what protein even is. Or at the very least they overestimate the amount of protein in meat and underestimate the amount in vegetables.
3. Don’t you miss meat?I'm sure this isn't true for all vegetarians, but the thought of eating meat makes me feel sick. Also, most people who choose to give up probably do enjoy the last of meat-most people do. But their will and moral obligations are simply stronger than their taste buds.
4. But do you eat fish? Fish isn’t meat.I have honestly never understood this argument...A fish is a living animal yes? So the flesh of that once living thing you consumed is meat. Simple.
5. So you don’t eat bacon??? How sad.I bet this little guy doesn't think that's so sad.
6. Oh , I could never do that.You can, you just don't want to. It's okay to admit that.
7. You know we’re meant to eat meat right?You know I'm partially doing this for my own health right?
8. What if you trapped on a deserted island, would you eat meat then?In that crazy hypothetical situation would I eat meat? Yeah, probably. But the meat in that situation wouldn't have been the result of mass torture and murder. Just saying.
9. Is it because you want to lose weight ?Nope, just a perk.
10. You know you’re just killing plants right.