1. You are intelligent.
2. You make me smile.
3. I am proud of you.
4. You did a great job on that.
5. I love your humor.
6. Your heart is so big.
7. I wish I were as organized as you.
8. I have confidence in you.
9. I trust you.
10. You are very responsible.
11. You have come so far in life.
12. Thank you for being so patient.
13. You are respectful.
14. You are precious.
15. I can see that you have joy more so than just happiness.
16. You matter so much to me.
17. You are important.
18. I love being around you.
19. You make me feel safe.
20. Thank you for always being reliable.
21. I feel encouraged when I'm around you.
22. You bring me peace.
23. You are creative.
24. I accept you.
25. You make me laugh so hard.
26. You are such a giver.
27. I can see how compassionate you are.
28. You push me to be the best me I can be.
29. Your hard work has paid off.
30. Thank you for being who you are.