27 Things People Who Grew Up In Monmouth County Will Recognize
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27 Things People Who Grew Up In Monmouth County Will Recognize

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27 Things People Who Grew Up In Monmouth County Will Recognize

1. Ink Well Coffee House

To start off this beautiful list is Ink Well Coffee House. Whether you are going to Ink Well at 8 p.m. or 2 a.m., this place is a great spot for a high school student to visit. The cops don't question why you're out so late, and your parents didn't mind. While you are there with your friends you can get some of their famous Dutch Coffee or Bacon Cheddar Fries.

2. Sea Bright

Whether you live in Sea Bright or you are from Millstone, there is a good chance you have visited this small beach town. And even if you have not, this is a great place where people go to hang out and get an ocean front view. If you don't ever visit Sea Bright, chances are, you pass through it on your way to the next place on this list.

3. Sandy Hook

Yes, many BENNYs go to this beach, but plenty of locals do too! As a former lifeguard here, I can personally say I have met many people who are from Monmouth County. Not only that, but the old barracks and Fort Hancock make this place a great tourist attraction. Occasionally, some people look to explore the beach and see rare endangered birds, while other times, the locals come and off road to their hearts' content.

4. The boardwalks

If you live in Monmouth County, you probably go to the beach. The town and the beach are usually separated by a boardwalk. Now, if there is something New Jersey does right, that would be the boardwalk. Besides Seaside Heights and many other awesome boardwalks that are not in Monmouth Country, we have our own too, which include but are not limited to Asbury Park, Bradley Beach, Long Branch, and many more.

5. Monmouth and Freehold malls

Whether you are an angst-ridden middle school teenager or just bored, these two places have it all. There are things from fine dining to Gamestop. The only difference between these two huge shopping centers is the location. Each mall has both their pros and cons; I personally grew up going to the Monmouth Mall. It's a great place to watch movies with your friends or go on a date, especially when they upgraded their seats in the theater.

6. Red Bank

From the awesome car shows to the lively town itself, I like to call it the hidden gem of Monmouth County. Now call me biased because I lived here, but let's be honest, this town has it all. Teenagers growing up in and around this town always visit it. There is always so much to do! You can fish off the pier, enjoy Riverfest, eat at one of many local pizza shops, buy some Carlos Bakery goods, and even choose between Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.

7. Surfing

This picture here was taken at Manasquan, a town in southern Monmouth County. Surfing here is like breathing, and I did not learn that until high school. Because Monmouth County is on the ocean, many people want to take up the opportunities to catch some waves. Whether after school or in the winter, there will always be surfers in the water somewhere in Monmouth County. Some high schools are even starting to form their own surfing clubs!

8. Soccer

Personally, I was never a big soccer fan. I never even knew my middle school had a team. However, four members of the female U.S. National Soccer team are from the good old Garden State. Not only that, but Tim Howard, Bob Bradly, Joey Altidore, and Alexi Lalas are all from New Jersey as well. I guess soccer is a fun sport that is easy to get involved in, and it seems like all my friends played it at one point or another.

9. Brookdale

Though many people give Brookdale a bad name, it is not a bad option. Attending community college for two years to save money is a smart option. Not only that, but Brookdale has an incredible academic program, and their basketball team is very good. This school definitely deserves a shout out for sticking it out no matter how many people hate it.

10. Diner

When Ink Well was closed, I always went to the diner. The diner is a great place to go after a long day, or for an early morning. Diners in New Jersey are as common as misplaced phone chargers. If you don't know where to find one, do a little adventure, and eventually you will find it. Diners in Monmouth County are just as good, if not better, than the ones that are outside of this great county. Diners are very generic for New Jersey in general, but a list about a county in New Jersey wouldn't be complete without this essential component.

11. Count Basie Theatre

This place resides in the town of Red Bank; once again, the hidden gem of Monmouth County. People from all over come to Count Basie Theatre to see concerts, comedians, and other thrilling shows. Not only that, but they put on plays for both the young and old. You can start your acting career here as you work your way up to stardom.

12. Allaire State Park

There is a lot of history here that you can learn. Whether you want to fish at one of the many ponds or go to a wine tasting festival, Allaire State Park has a lot to offer. New Jersey was the third state to join the union, and has a lot of history. The hard working employees of this state park give you a historical perspective of how it was back a while ago.

13. Navesink Twin Lights

This was the site where the first official reading of the Pledge of Allegiance took place. Not only that, but plenty of tourists come here to check it out and what it has to offer.

14. The Stone Pony

Many local parents of Monmouth County claim to have seen Bruce Springsteen make his start here. Whether they are telling the truth or trying to get some of the gold from the pot, this place shows the true meaning of music. Many big artists had their start up here, and many new incoming bands are able to play here in front of a crowd. Not only that, but people come here to socialize, listen to good music, and have fun. People who go here have one thing in common, and that's a love of music.

15. The Allen House

If you live anywhere near Shrewsbury or have a reason to pass through, you definitely saw this. Not a lot of people really know about this house, they just pass it all the time. Located at the corner of Sycamore Ave. and Route 35, this was built by Judah Allen around the 1680's. This house gives the public a view into colonial life, and how far as a country we have come.

16. PNC Banks Arts Center

Whether you are sitting in the notorious lawn section or enjoying a concert at ordered seating, many great performances are held here. Everyone can find a place here, whether you love KISS or are a die-hard Wiz Khalifa fan; this venue will have it. I enjoyed many years of amazing memories here. Ranging from the tailgate to the encore, this place will always be a great memory for me and thousands of others.

17. Beach Clubs

One of the many things I had no idea about growing up. Apparently there are beach clubs! Not only that, but they each have swim teams and various activities to do. They are a great addition to Monmouth County that create a small community for people growing up.

18. Monmouth Racetrack

Now, you may or may not have been here while living in Monmouth County. Honestly, it's hit or miss, but you definitely have heard of it, and it does seem like a lot of fun.

19. High school rivalry

Because Monmouth County is such an intertwined county, high school rivalries are bound to happen. Between Red Bank Regional and Rumson Fair Haven, or the battle of Ridge Roads, or even both of the Middletowns, these were always fun. There are the schools you can stand, and then others where you are at each others' throats.

20. Henry Hudson Trail

Growing up in Keyport, my friends and I would always ride our bikes here. Then, as we got older, we started seeing how far we could go. It seemed endless when we were kids; a trail that leads to a new adventure every time. People can get a good workout here, riding their bikes, walking, or running. This trail goes on for 24 miles, and is a great way for people to stay active.

21. Super Storm Sandy

This category three hurricane was the reason I did not have Halloween my sophomore year of high school. Not only that, but many of my friends lost their houses due to this hurricane. But because of the close community we have in our county, everyone did their part to rebuild after this unforgiving storm. New Jersey is stronger than the storm, and we rebuilt ourselves bigger and stronger than ever.

22. Whipporwill Valley Road

This was one road I refused to drive down. I unfortunately was persuaded to go down this dreaded road to go fishing. Not only do I regret going down this road, I feel like this is one of many highlights for Monmouth County locals. There are rumors about the KKK living here and plenty of ghosts, and the littlest of movement here at night will spook anyone out.

23. The bagels

My personal favorite bagel shop is Bagel Masters. They make quality bagels that will have you savoring for more. We all know that New Jersey has the best bagels overall, and whether you are a fan of Bagel Masters, The Bagel Station, The Bagel Store, or Belmar Bagel Cafe, we all know we are spoiled.

24. Rook

Rook is a coffee shop that is competing against Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. A lot of people love this coffee shop, while I stick with the mermaid in white. As you walk into high schools that are located near this coffee shop; you will almost always see at least one person with a rook cup. Everyone drinks rook coffee, whether it's your 12th grade English teacher or that one girl you always see running in as the bell goes off with her rook coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other.

25. Porta

Located in Asbury Park, this eatery has great food and a great reputation. If you live in Monmouth County and you have an Instagram, you will absolutely find a picture of people posing in front of the doors. This is a popular place to go, and they do a great job catering to everyone.

26. Private vs. public high schools

For some reason, the public school system and private school system always clash. Whether it's Red Bank Regional and Red Bank Catholic, or every public school out to get Christian Brothers Academy, the two types of high schools try to best one another.

27. Central Jersey Really Does Exists

Finally, one of many maps that show that we really do exist. For some reason, North Jersey wants to claim Monmouth, Middlesex, and Mercer County, while South Jersey wants Ocean and Burlington County. It has become frustrating for us Central New Jersites. We have a say, and we say we have the best of both worlds. New York City and Philadelphia are a car ride away, and the beach is right next to us. Monmouth County is the ultimate Central Jersey county, because we have the best of all worlds. We have a great competitive community that sticks together, and has everything we could possibly want.

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