Going back to school each fall and seeing the beautiful golden-brown complexions everyone received over the summer is something that pale people have gotten used to. A great tan is a sign of a summer well-spent, well, in tan people terms, that is. By now you've probably come to embrace your porcelain complexion, so bravo to you. Nothing shows maturity like being able to laugh at yourself.
1. Your tan is a tan person's pale.
When you do get a faint tan line, it's a monumental moment in your life. Of course, your friends will probably laugh and tell you to go lie in the sun some more.
2. No light colors, absolutely not.
Wearing colors that are too light risk flushing out our already light skin tone. On the bright side, at least you won't need an invisibility cloak in broad daylight.
3. Beach trips in general just aren't a priority.
Your more tan-inclined friends may not understand, but in the end you know it's what's best for you.
4. No sunscreen = LOBSTAH
You do NOT want to show up to class like this, so put that sunscreen on and bear it.