As someone who suffers from anxiety, we have to overcome a lot of things that the "normal" person doesn't even have to think about. People with anxiety also feel a great sense of accomplishment when these things are overcome. Here are a couple of those things.
1. Not being too hard on yourself.
People with anxiety, especially me, have a tendency to be very hard on themselves. If something goes wrong or we happen to get an 85% and not a 90% we will dwell on it. Every scenario will be thought threw to see what went wrong. Every detail will be analyzed, and its a time consuming and mentally exhausting task. However, when someone with anxiety is able to say "I did my best, and thats all I can ask" its a miracle moment that happens a lot less than people think.
2. Not caring what people think.
Some people with anxiety want people to notice them so they say "Man I wonder if they saw me... I hope they did. What if I looked stupid?" Others will say "Main I wonder if they saw me... I hope they didn't. What if I looked stupid?" These are too extremes revolving around the same idea. It seems like no matter what people with anxiety, including me, can't seem to get these types of thoughts out of our heads. When we are actually able to sort of push those negative thoughts out of our minds, it's one of those rare moments that are so precious.
3. Staying positive.
This is something that sort of goes along with number 1, but is different in the fact that this is something people associate just with every day tasks. If there is bad weather people say "its still going to be a good day." Or, just in general "Todays going to be great." However, people with anxiety do not think like this a lot. People with anxiety tend to be negative due to how nervous they are. We tend to generalize this nervous energy to everything, which makes being positive very difficult.