Working in the customer service industry can be hard. As anyone who has done so, or does so, it is all about pleasing the customers. "The customer is always right"... Even if they clearly aren't. What could make it even harder? Being a woman. As a waitress, there have been too many times to count that I have been asked or spoken to inappropriately while doing my job.
While most customers are normal, polite, human beings, of course, you get those few special customers who feel as though your job is to stand there and be pretty. In times such as these, you only have a few options of how to react. You can ignore them, and continue with your duties, serving them food and drinks.
You can give them a dirty look or risk saying something "rude" back to defend yourself, often leaving yourself tip-less. You can take it as a compliment and use it to your advantage, or you can simply tell all of your co-workers about the a**hat at your table and they become the laughing stock of the staff for the shift. Either way, we all know there are just certain things that are said to women, no matter the time or place, that men simply don't hear.
Earlier this winter, The Huffington Post created this video, 48 Things Women Hear In a Lifetime (That Men Just Don't). While this video is at times funny—because it is so relatable—it is heartbreaking, angering, powerful but also important. Here are just a few from that video, and other examples, of things women hear throughout their lives, that men simply would not.
"Don't be so bossy."
"Your Dad is gonna have to chase the boys away."
"He picks on you because he likes you."
"You need to:
cover up those pimples, wax your eyebrows, cover up those under eye circles, wax your lip, cut your hair, wear mascara, put on some blush, start wearing bronzer, shave your legs, shave your armpits, whiten your teeth, fill in your eyebrows, paint your nails, dye your hair, stop wearing so much makeup, grow your hair out, take off that chipped nail polish, and (everyone's favorite) smile."
"You can get ____________for free if you flash us."
"That ______ makes you look like a slut."
"You look like you are asking for it."
"Make sure you walk to the car at night with pepper spray or your keys in between your hand."
"You can't wear that, you are being distracting."
"You like____________( i.e video games, sports, comic books)? I bet the boys love that."
"Well how much did you have to drink that night?"
"Why are you getting so emotional?"
"Is it your time of the month?"
"Stop being so dramatic."
"I was just trying to give you a compliment."
"Boys only want one thing."
"Your virginity is all you have."
"Oh, you have a boyfriend?" *Finally leaves you alone*
"Is that all you are eating?"
"Wow, you eat a lot."
"I love a girl who eats."
"You don't want kids?"
"You're not taking your husband's last name?"
"Don't go to _______ alone."
"That's what she said."
"What a bitch."
"Oh, you are 18? Legal!"
"Oh, so what are you an assistant or something?"
"You are a working mother?"
"You don't look like you had a baby."
"You should wear something more flattering."
"Get ready for summer bodies ladies!"
"You wear a lot of makeup. You must be insecure."
"You should not be wearing a two piece."
"You should feel grateful you were catcalled."
"Well, she's probably just going to be a stay-at-home mom or something."
"She doesn't need to look pretty...she's smart."
"Pretty and smart? Wow."
"Isn't that outfit a little young/old for you?"
"You must have been beautiful when you were younger."
"Well, she probably got _________ because she was pretty."
"You are so vain."
"Would you be a sweetheart/doll and ___________."
"You do _________ well.... for a girl."