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7 Reasons Why Kardashians/Jenners Are Successful Business Gurus
Welcome to this insane business empire.
21 February
W Magazine
Whether you love them or hate them, it's undeniable the Kardashian/ Jenner family has built an enormous business empire. Ranging from apps, fashion lines, boutiques, beauty products, books, television shows, etc. this bunch has shown they are insane business moguls. Here are seven reasons why the Kardashian/ Jenner family should be applauded for their intelligent business tactics.
1. Reality Television Shows
The Kardashian/ Jenner family is praised for the enormous amount of reality television series that are produced surrounding their lives. Viewers seem to crave new television shows behind the intriguing Kardashian/ Jenner bunch, considering the Kardashian clan has been featured in approximately 12 television series. Regardless of how many haters this family may have, their shows have shown tremendous success. Their most famous series documenting the family's life since 2007, Keeping Up With The Kardashians(KUWTK), premieres on E! Network. Season 13 of KUWTK is said to premiere March 12th at 9 p.m. on E!, so stay tuned!
2. Fashion and Beauty Gurus
Nineteen-year-old Kylie Jenner is hands-down known to be one of the most successful beauty gurus. Kylie Cosmetics, launched in 2016, has shown an insane amount of success. Kylie Lip Kits are known to sell out within minutes of being launched onto her website. Fans follow Kylie's business closely, with her accustoming her new lines and colors to what the customers desire. This is one of Kylie's many smart business tactics, pleasing the customers, in turn, gains Kylie more revenue for her business. Along with beauty success, the three Kardashian sisters, Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe, have created their fashion boutique DASH. When the boutique first opened it struggled. However, the sisters rose it immensely, with the store being extremely successful to this day with three locations in West Hollywood, Miami Beach, and the SoHo District in New York City. KENDALL+KYLIE is also another successful fashion line with clothes being sold in popular stores like Pac Sun, Neiman Marcus, and Top Shop. Their lines are also shown in many fashion shows, boosting their credibility in the fashion world.
3. Apps
Kim Kardashian's game app is said to have brought in over $100 million since it's launch in 2014. The app is free to download, however, players can purchase "extras" in the game which is where most of the revenue derives from. Kim constantly keeps the game up-to-date which is an intelligent business tactic because it keeps players intrigued, and feeling as if they're living the true Kardashian life. After the extreme success of Kim's game app, each sister created their personal apps that can be downloaded in the iTunes store for a $2.99 monthly subscription fee. Each sister's app emphasizes their expertise in the fashion, beauty, travel, and fitness worlds.
4. Social Media Tactics
The Kardashian/ Jenner family has accumulated over approximately 404.7 million followers on Instagram and over approximately 154.93 million followers on Twitter. These business moguls thrive off social media techniques in building their business empire - which is smart. These sisters make thousands of dollars for one promotional tweet or Instagram post. Constantly updating their accounts keeps fans intrigued and up-to-date on their latest products/ endeavors.
5. Method Behind Parasocial Interaction
Parasocial interaction (PSI) is a communication technique where celebrities endorse themselves, and fans feel a connection of some kind to that specific celebrity. PSI is promoted in the Kardashian/ Jenner family because they endorse themselves on their social media accounts so well that fans begin to feel a connection with this family. This makes it easier for the Kardashian/ Jenners to promote their products and businesses in a not-so-pushy way.
6. Failed Endeavors
Failure is the first step to success. Although this family is praised for their unimaginable success, they have failed plenty along their way to fame. Talkshows, books and fashion lines haven't made the revenue expected and haters constantly attempt to tear down this family's fame, however, the Kardashian/ Jenner family still stands strong. In the end, they are true business moguls, entrepreneurs, and content creators who have created an insane empire.
7. Net Worth
The Kardashian/ Jenner family is stated to have a net worth of over approximately $300 million. Kim leads the family with her net worth accounting for over $100 million with the littlest sister, Kylie Jenner, creeping up the ladder. Numbers don't lie. These sisters truly have built an enormous business empire.
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Owl Eyes Magazine
College is a great place to meet people, especially through Greek life. If you look closely at sororities, you'll quickly see there are many different types of girls you will meet.
1. The Legacy.
Her sister was a member, her mom was a member, all of her aunts were members, and her grandma was a member. She has been waiting her whole life to wear these letters and cried hysterically on bid day. Although she can act entitled at times, you can bet she is one of the most enthusiastic sisters.
2. The Chic Sister.
She is always wearing the cutest outfits and you wonder where she finds all of her clothes. Her hair and makeup are always done perfectly and she always looks effortlessly ready for the runway.
3. The Fit Sister.
She is always working out whether she's at spin, going for a run, or at Pilates. She makes you feel so guilty about lying in bed binge-watching Netflix while eating wings.
4. The Party Girl.
She doesn't miss a bar night, frat party, or social. She lives to go out and double-fist. She must have the best hangover cure in the books to be able to bounce back every morning.
5. The Tinder Queen.
She doesn't just love boys. She lives, breathes, and dreams boys. She can't get enough and wants them all. She has guys in every frat on speed dial. Most importantly, she swipes more than she speaks because she's in it to win it.
6. The Overachiever.
She holds multiple chair positions, she gets perfect grades, she is super involved in the chapter, she is the best big, and you wonder when she has time to nap!
7. The Underachiever.
She never comes to chapter which explains why she never knows what's going on. She comes to events late, she doesn't know who she is paired with for Greek Week. She can basically go unseen for weeks.
8. The Mom.
She takes care of everyone in the sorority. If you're falling behind in class, are going through a rough break up, or just fought with your roommate, she's your go-to sister. She takes care of you when you're out, makes you food, and tells you how it is with honest advice, but gives you love when you need it the most.
9. The Freshman.
She is your stereotypical freshman in every way. She has your letters on everything and lives for the sorority. She wants to get involved and wants to get to know everyone. Despite her enthusiasm for the chapter, she is still a naive freshman and has had a few rough nights out, to say the least. She is painfully so freshman but you appreciate her drive
10. The Senior.
She doesn't care about anything and spends her days with dark sunglasses and a coffee in hand. She spends her last days of school drinking and freaking out about the real world so she doesn't have time for any chapter drama.
11. The Preppy Girl.
You can always find her dressed from head to toe in Lilly. She loves her Jack Rogers, T Burch, and Kate Spade. You wonder how she has time to look nice for class every day and she is always sporting pearls.
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10 Reasons Why Life Is Better In The Summertime
Winter blues got you down? Summer is just around the corner!
19 February
Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash
Every kid in college and/or high school dreams of summer the moment they walk through the door on the first day back in September. It becomes harder and harder to focus in classes and while doing assignments as the days get closer. The winter has been lagging, the days are short and dark, and no one is quite themselves due to lack of energy and sunlight. Let's face it: life is ten times better in the summertime.
1. No school = no stress.
There are no essays to write, no books to read, and no deadlines to meet. The only worry in the world is keeping track of putting sunblock on.
2. Country music is more fun to listen to.
All true fans will listen to country music 365 days a year, but we all know that it's so much better in the summer when you can roll down the windows.
3. Your skin looks and feels better.
Even if you don't have the type of skin that tans, there is more color there than in the winter ... maybe. Freckles, tan lines, peeling burns and clear skin make for a happier camper. You'll forget all about the ghost version of yourself that was shedding dry skin like a snake over the winter.
4. Being barefoot 24/7 is an option.
Obviously wearing no shoes in the middle of a blizzard isn't acceptable. You know what is, though? Wearing no shoes in the summer ever because why not?
5. Ice cream is an acceptable snack.
For people like me who can't resist ice cream even on a 10 degree day, summer is a giant ice cream blessing. Not only does it taste like heaven, it's actually refreshing.
6. Minimal clothing is required.
Is there anything worse than having to put on layers in the wintertime only to sweat to death the minute you come back inside? No need for more than a tank top and shorts in the summertime.
7. Going to the beach daily isn't weird.
Now that it's hot, it's beach season. If you live near the ocean there is an excuse to drive there day or night, rain or shine. Staying there all day is an option for those who don't burn, and for those who do, you can always come back at night for a bonfire.
8. Cookouts.
Even when they lead to disaster, summertime cookouts are the best. Nothing completes a cookout more than watermelon and corn on the cob.
9. Night swimming.
Oh the thrill of jumping in freezing cold water in the middle of the night. Good thing the air becomes colder than the water, making the pool like a giant bathtub.
10. Spontaneous adventures.
Summertime gives you the freedom to wake up in the morning and decide to do something totally out of the blue that you've never done before. Hiking to a waterfall, rock climbing, going to a museum, or even road tripping are all great summer options.
Even if the heat isn't really your thing, it's undeniable to admit that life really is better in the summer. There's so much more free time, opportunity, excitement and sunshine. Only four months to go!
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10 Things That Describe You and Your College Friends
The craziest, funniest, and most unforgettable college memories are impossible to create without an amazing group of friends.
19 February
Marina Lombardi
1. You'll never run out of clothes when you have at least four closets to choose from.
2. You embrace and encourage each other’s horrible, yet remarkable dance moves.
3. You never turn down an opportunity for a cheat day or especially free food.
4. You keep each other’s priorities in check.
5. There is nothing but honest advice, multiple venting sessions, and absolutely no judgements.
Boy Bye GIFfrom Boy GIFs
6. You have too many pictures with each other in the same exact pose.
7. You don't just mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
8. You know just how to get the party started.
9. You know what they say… “Good friends don't let you do stupid things alone."
10. You’ll always there for each other no matter what happens.
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Pop Trigger / YouTube
I'll admit it, I have a condition called RBF or, if you will, Resting Bitch Face.
Anna Kendrick, poor Kristen Stewart, the Queen of England are all life-long sufferers of RBF. Victoria Beckham even made a career out of it! And though it's usually used to describe women, some men are also afflicted. Kanye West is the best example of this.
But what is RBF? It's the slightly annoyed, slightly bored look some people happen to have on their face whenever it's not in motion. The phenomenon has been taking the internet by storm since the mock-PSA titled Bitchy Resting Face so scientist decided to find out the cause of RBF.
Jason Rogers and Abbe Macbeth are behavioral researchers at Noldus Information Technology. Sounds impressive. They used a machine to examine and catalogue 10,000 images of the human face in hopes to find the cause of RBF. After studying photos of truly expressionless faces, the computer spits out data stating there was 97 percent neutrality and 3 percent emotion. Then, they plugged in faces of celebs infamous for their RBF. The computer analyzed the photos and determined there was only 6 percent of emotion in their resting faces for both males and females. With the software being unable to pick out gender, their conclusion was that the issue with RBF is a distinctly female problem due to social norms.
As a woman, I find this particularly troubling. Why? Because thanks to my RBF, I get asked annoying question day in and day out about my emotional state when, to be quite honest, I'm perfectly fine.
Do you think you have RBF? Below are some signs you just might be one of the afflicted.
1. Strangers have told you "Smile!" on regular occasions
2. The first thing people say to you is "Are you okay?"
3. Dates have texted you asking if they bored you
4. Or, they tell you they don't want to go out again because you didn't seem interested
5. People question your level of comfort in any given situation
6. Friends have said, "When I first met you, I thought you didn't like me." and were totally serious about it
7. Jokes don't land well because people can't tell if you're serious or not
8. You've been told customer service isn't for you because you never smile
9. In fact, in your yearly review, your manager always writes to smile more under "room for improvement"
10. You hate when people have their cameras out taking candids
11. Even when you smile for a photograph it looks like either A) you're trying too hard or B) you're the Mona Lisa
12. Things can even get a little awkward when you smile
13. You regularly are told "I'm never sure how you feel about things"
14. You've scared strangers on the train/bus/sidewalk with your death glares-- even though they're unintentional and you're not really looking at them
15. Christmas and birthdays are hard because you have to figure out how to look like you're pleased with all your gifts even when you are
16. People frequently tell you you're intimidating
17. Friends stop inviting you to things because they think you don't like going
18. Your parents have RBF (it's definitely genetic. Thanks, Mom).
Obviously, it's not ideal to have RBF. But you've only got one face so own that frown. And to all the Emily Gilmores, Rhiannas, Kanyes and more — keep doing your thing.
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