If you're one of those people with an uncontrollable "resting bitch face," then you can probably relate to one or more of these situations. The most annoying thing about having a "resting bitch face" is people constantly questioning your every move. 99% of the time you're totally fine but if you aren't smiling be prepared for the hugs, "are you ok?", "you look mad", "are you tired?", "SMILE", and more. Here are 19 things only people with a "resting bitch face" will understand.
1. Everyone takes your jokes seriously because they don’t know that you’re joking.
Seriously, c’mon take a joke.
2. You get texts every day of people being concerned about you.
3. People always tell you to try to look happy in pictures.
But, I’m smiling?
4. People have been asking you if you are ok since before you could even talk to answer them.
You were born with this face.
5. You don’t even realize your facial expressions until you see them in a mirror.
Oh, no.
6. People usually think you aren’t happy for them if a good thing happens.
I really am excited.
7. You’re always prepared to answer questions about how you’re feeling.
8. You’ll know you’ve found a true friend when they can tell if you actually are upset.
Friendship goals.
9. Your emotions always look the same.
At least you could win a no laughing contest.
10. People always hug you because they assume you’re upset about something or in a bad mood.
Yeah, thanks?
11. You end up having a bitch face in every picture even though you don’t mean to.
Why so serious?
12. You start beginning to question your own face.
Am I happy or sad or mad?
13. People tell you to smile but then you end up looking scarier because you weren’t even upset in the first place.
Everything okay?
14. You’re always reminded by your ID or school pictures that you look mad.
It’s just my face, I can't help it.
15. People think you’re constantly judging them.
But, you actually just wanna be their friend.
16. People always think you’re having a horrible time at parties and hang outs.
I’m having so much fun though.
17. All your social media profiles are reminders of your resting bitch face.
Thanks Instagram.
18. Making new friends can be difficult because people automatically think you’re a bitch from when the first time they saw you.
I’m a really nice person.
19. Everyone always assumes you hate them.
Come back, I wanna be friends!!!