From the moment I was born I was a night owl. I simply will never relate to the term "the early bird gets the worm." It could be true, but I'll never know. Unlike my brother; breakfast, early morning cartoons, and being excited to wake up for school are foreign ideas to me. I was the evening dessert and Nick-at-Nitetype of girl. I still am that type of girl. "Bed-time" doesn't start until at least after 11 pm and I'm fine with that. There are some things that us night owls get that morning people just wouldn't understand.
Night is the best time to get stuff done. Whether it's homework, last minute studying, or cleaning your room, night owls know that night time is the best time to get pesky tasks done. There are less distractions than in the daytime and it's peaceful in the quiet of the night. I can't even think of how many nights I've stayed up re-organizing my room because there was nothing else to do. This is also a time that night owls can get crafty. I used to spend hours at night watching Full House and making little bracelets.
Midnight snacks are the best meal of the day. Pizza Rolls? Pop-Tarts? Oreos? You name it, everything yummy is even better at midnight. There's just something about eating junk-food when everybody is sleeping that makes it taste better. Its like a secret! Nobody can judge what we are eating if they don't see us eat it.
Some nights consist of endless hours scrolling through social media.Let's play the game of checking every social media site every five minutes even though you know that nobody is tweeting at 2:30 am. You know it's time for bed when the last Instagram post was over two hours ago. You may even tweet just to see if anybody else is awake.
Melatonin is a life-saver.Do you have to be up earlier than you're capable of? Melatonin. Most night owls turn to melatonin to go to bed at "reasonable" hours. You and I both know that going to bed at nine will never happen without the help of a supplement or some sleepy-time tea. It's impossible. The worst thing is going to bed late (a normal bed-time for night owls) and waking up early. We just wouldn't make it through the day.
Headphones are your best friend.When it comes to night activities, headphones are a night owl's best friend. They allow us to watch Netflix without our parents running into the room to tell us that the volume needs to be turned down. Night owls may even invest in high-quality headphones such as Beats because this is one of their most used and precious items.
You know how to be quiet. Whether you're sneaking out or just sneaking to the kitchen, tip-toeing is proven to actually work. Night owls know how to slip in and out without making a noise. Night owls, much like real owls, are stealthy and silent. We are thrilled by the event of not making a peep as we get up to get more water or food.
"What's it like to be a morning person?" Well, us night owls may never know. But quite frankly, we don't want to.