8 Things Not To Say To Women | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things People Should Really Stop Saying To Women

It's 2018, c'mon.

8 Things People Should Really Stop Saying To Women


1. "Smile, woman!"

This actually happened to me at work once. This middle-aged man straight up commanded me to smile. And I'm not talking about him cracking a grin and coyly telling me to smile as a joke. No, he legit commanded me with a straight face and no context whatsoever to smile. Worse yet, some people didn't see anything wrong with it!! Like, okay, I understand if a guy is trying to be nice and all, but to tell a girl in a completely serious, almost threatening way to smile? Uhhh...no thanks. I like my face as it is, and I'm not going to change it to make older men feel more comfortable.

2. "You look prettier with makeup."

And you look more attractive when you don't say things like that. And then there are people on the other hand who say...

3. "You wear too much makeup."

Really? So what's it gonna be, too much or not enough? I can only do so many things to my face. Seriously, people. Girls have the right to paint their face in whatever way they choose, and they should be able to do it sans-judgment.

4. "Hey, baby!" *whistles*

CATCALLING IS NOT OKAYYYYYYYYYYY! Seriously!!! If I'm walking back from work on a summer day in a tank top, what makes you think you have the right to honk at me, yell out your window, or stop me on the street to talk to me? Give me a break.

5. "Woah, is it that time of month?"

Yeah, because obviously every single time I get annoyed, I must automatically be on my period. It's not like having bad days is a common human occurrence or anything.

6. "Women are too emotional."

I once had a guy tell me that a woman could never be president because women are too emotional. And oh boy, did I almost go ham on him. The only reason I restrained myself was to prove that women, indeed, can contain their emotions. And you know what? That whole thing about women being too emotional is an absolute lie. Men are emotional too, but society conditions them to hide it. But saying a woman is too emotional to hold a position of power is like saying men are too emotionally reserved to be fathers or husbands or even boyfriends. It's stupid. Please kindly rethink your logic and get back to me when you have actual, true statements and not just sexist comments.

7. "Maybe she was asking for it."

Uhhh, no, no, and NO! What crazy world do you live in where a woman actually ASKS to be violated, assaulted, or raped? If you truly "can't control yourself," then I suggest going to the nearest mental clinic and getting serious psychotherapy. If you "can't control" your vile actions like you so heavily claim, then there is something massively wrong with you. Normal humans don't act on every single impulse they get, and neither should you.

8. "You're wearing THAT?"

Yes. I chose to wear what I chose to wear. If you don't want to look, then don't. It's not rocket science. Whether I wear short shorts and a crop top or a long dress that sweeps to the floor and leaves a train, my fashion choices are my fashion choices. Got it?

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