They say it's the best four years of your life, but once you graduate, those four years cannot compare to the time you'll spend and the memories you'll make in college. High school had its fun times--pep rally, prom, homecoming, football games, lifelong friends--but there's a reason college seems to be flying by while high school seemed to drudge on forever. Here are a few things that made high school feel like an eternity that no one will miss:
1. Having to ask to go to the bathroom.
And worrying about how long you spend in there so the rest of the class doesn't wonder what you were doing. And carrying that germ-ridden bathroom pass through the hallways. You're also not even guaranteed to be able to go if the teacher decides to ignore your raised hand. In college, you just quietly get up and go -- still awkward, but at least you don't have to disrupt the whole class.
2. Waking up before sunrise.
I haven't woken up before 10 a.m. in two years.
3. Cliques.
Although I've found that cliques never completely go away, they're nothing like they were in high school. In college, there's no popular clique and no one cares about being cool.
4. Picking out outfits to look nice each and every day.
In college, you begin to realize who's in your classes and in which ones you need to look good. If there's no one to impress in your Philosophy 101 class, then you can wear sweats and Uggs every time.
5. Being so busy.
Classes back to back for 8 hours, then straight to sports practice/club meetings/band practice, then homework to prepare for the next day? I don't know how anyone does it, and why something hasn't been done about it yet. How anyone ran such long days on 4 hours of sleep will always be one of the world's great wonders.
High School busy vs. College busy
6. Gym class.
7. Homework.
Yeah there's still homework in college -- a lot of it. But at least you won't have work to do for every single class every single night due the next day. And most of the time, it's not a silly hand out that you know is just to keep you busy, college work feels more worth it.
8. Drama.
This kind of goes hand in hand with cliques, but high school drama and college drama are on completely different levels. College drama involves professors, assignments, internships, and roommates. High school drama encompasses dating, friend circles, and sports team debacles.
9. Dating games.![]()
Do you like him or do you like like him? Do you want me to ask if she likes you? Weird questions like these don't really get asked in college -- or at least not in this way.
10. General lack of freedom.
Locked doors, having to ask to go anywhere, hallway monitors asking where you're going as if you're trying to plant a bomb somewhere, security guards at every door, random backpack checks, the transition from high school (lack thereof) freedom to college freedom is almost dangerous.
Some of these things definitely still appear in college, but not to the extent as they did in high school. As the band, Bowling For Soup sang, high school never ends.