Caution: There are Seaon 7 Spoilers!
1. Girls don't have to be helpless
Aly has never been one to put up with being treated differently. But it really escalated in the last season (RIP "New Girl"). While she is now pregnant, she make is a point to be treated as an equal. Even in her marriage to Winston. She is the stronger, more "masculine" of the two, holding the family together with an iron fist. And that's okay.
2. Boys don't have to be macho
Winston is known for being the more lovable one in the relationship. He's silly, sensitive, and he looooves his cat, Ferguson. He's not the one wearing the pants in their family, or making the big decisions. And that's okay. Just because the man has the testosterone, that doesn't mean that they should have to be the strong one. They have every right to be nurtured, and taken care of as any woman. It just depends on the relationship.
3. True love isn't pretty
It only took FOREVER for these two to finally be together for real. But that was the beauty of it. Because true love doesn't come riding in on a white horse. It's ugly. And weird. And frustrating. And wonderful. Just like Nick and Jess. It comes when you least expect it. And it sees you through your absolute worst day.
4. Interracial relationships aren't easy
Do you know why they're not easy? Because no relationship is easy. The color of anyone's skin has no influence on the difficulty of the relationship. The reason why relationships are hard is because of two people, with two different cultures and beliefs, trying to blend their lives together. There can be a cultural divide in any relationship, not just an interracial relationship. So love who you love, and have an open mind.
5. If Jessica Day doesn't need a ring to feel confident in her relationship, then I shouldn't either
One of the biggest parts of Season 7, is whether or not Nick is going to propose to Jess. And while she has been waiting for it for three years, Jess eventually comes to the decision that she doesn't need to be engaged or married to know that Nick loves her and isn't going anywhere. Jess is happy where she and Nick are in their life together and doesn't want to mess that up at all. Marriage is about more than just that piece of paper it's about having a lasting commitment to each other. And even if you don't have that license, your relationship isn't any less real, and the commitment is still as strong.
6. Your partner should always give you butterflies
Sure, love isn't easy. And relationships are hard. Sometimes you won't have that "I need to have you" feeling. But you should always feel those butterflies when they walk in the room. Knowing that they are your person and that you will always have their love.
7. Bro time is important
You can have the best relationship in the world, but you still need time apart too. He needs time with the guys. He doesn't want to go shoe shopping, or get pedicures, or look at animal rescue magazines. He needs to get away and have a great night with the guys sometimes too. He isn't trying to cheat, her just needs to be around like-minded, testosterone filled, men.
8. Girls nights are VITAL
Just like he needs some time with the guys, you need time with the girls. While he loves you, and supports you, he will never be the Jess to your Cece. He can't ever match the bond you have with your girls. So you don't need to skip out on girl time. They'll be there even when no one else is. Your girls were there before him, and will be there after him. Enjoy your time with your girls, they will keep you sane.
9. Love has perfect timing
You may go through hell getting there, but it is always in perfect timing. Sometimes you are meant to spend some time apart. Sometimes you are meant to be friends for a while first. Sometimes you are meant to date for a while before you make any major commitments. And sometimes, you meet, fall in love, and the rest is history.
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