It's only a couple weeks till I move back to campus in August and these couple things have been lingering on my mind as I approach my second year as a college student....
Having a job in school
Not only will I be having a job as well as school this year, but this is my first job ever. The first time that I’ll have hours, a uniform, a name tag, and a 401K. This alone triggers my nerves. I would say I’m the type of person that anything wrong can to. Which means, anything that could possibly go wrong with me goes wrong. I’ve been worried about possibly getting an order wrong, or give wrong change, and dropping food and then having to remake it. Also, I’m worried that if having a job affects my schooling. I’m already scared I’ll have to quit!
While all these negatives are seemingly scary, at least to me, I’ve also been trying to remember the positives. The biggest one is a PAYCHECK. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. So now I don’t have to keep asking for money from my parents (as much). I can finally buy things for myself, learn what a budget is and best of all, I can finally do online shopping.
School: Grades
My first year didn’t start too well, ended better than I started, but overall not too well. I’m hoping when I go back it’s not exactly fresh, but definitely new beginning. I’m planning on changing my major Cinema, something I’m very passionate about, and my classes are now suited to fit that major. I’m going to be taking classes that I actually want to take, and hopefully that’ll make things easier. What makes me nervous is that even with all these positives something will unfortunately go south, but I’m keeping my head up.
Social Life
It was a rough start making friends, better to say, a really late start. My first year was….a lot. I made a close friend, he was my roommate, and we went through a lot together. A lot of ups, also a lot of downs, and so eventually we just fizzled out. That seemed to happen with a lot of the friends I made. There are a couple of old friends who I could rekindle a friendship with, some new friends who I could and would like to make more of an effort to getting to know, and maybe a few friendships are a bit vague and in need of clarification. I’d like to go out more, I didn’t last year because I kept getting wrapped up in other things, and I regret it A LOT. When I say I want to go out more, I don’t just mean to party (although that’s fun), but I want to get involved in more things. Maybe join an extra club, but we’ll see.
Staying In Shape
Now I’ve always been a curvy girl, but I had gotten to a point in my life before college where I was finally happy with my body. So when the freshman fifteen hit me last year, it was really difficult to cope with, which only made things worse. My initial freshman fifteen turned into the freshman fifteen, times two, and then some. Altogether, I’ll be honest, a tragic fifty two pounds give or take. The summer has been good to me, home cooking and healthier food have helped me shed a portion of what I gained. However, I’m worried that once I go back to campus and start consuming mostly fast food and campus food again I’ll start stress eating and fall right back out of shape. Thankfully, there’s club field hockey to combat my dilemma but I’m hoping to also keep control of my eating habits.