With school just around the corner everyone is starting to be out and about shopping for school supplies. You are given a list full items that the school believes are a necessity to have to live on campus. However, year after year they seem to forget to mention some of the most important items.
1. Ramen noodles
The small orange bag of gifted goodness is a necessity to all college students. You can never go wrong with a bowl of ramen noodles. The packages are cheap and you will use them more frequently than you expect. They take just a few minutes to make so they are simple for any hunger and also a good and safe way to dodge cafeteria food.
2. Netflix account
There is a 101 percent chance you are going to want to step away from the school work and just have some time to relax by yourself. Unless you center your life around your TV schedule it will be hard to catch your favorite shows as they air every week. The next best thing is having Netflix where you can binge watch an entire five seasons in a week. Yes, probably an unhealthy amount but it will happen.
3. Sweats, sweats, and more sweats
After the first two weeks of going to class, meeting new people, and making first impressions everyone, except a select few, agrees on giving up wearing nice clothing. You leave your bed to go sit in a lecture hall for almost two hours and take notes, then leave to do it all over again in your next class. No one cares what you look like. You could get away with wearing your pajamas to class. There is a reason messy buns and sweats are a very common look for college girls. No one can judge because they are doing the exact same thing.
4. A truck load of index cards
You will use more index cards in one semester of college than you have cumulatively in the prior years of school combined. Writing index cards will become as repetitive in your schedule as brushing your teeth.
5. A caffeine source
You will need something to help you out for long nights of studying or early morning classes. Some people bring the coffee machines or little packets to make caffeinated drinks. Most campuses have a little store that provides students with a selection of drinks that they will live off. College seems to be the years where students really begin to understand why they were always told to never approach adults until they've finished their daily cup of coffee.
6. An extra phone charger
This is very, very, important. You will most likely bring your phone charger everywhere you go in your school bag. You will often misplace it or use if so much it becomes a dud. Always have a backup in your desk drawer just in case. By just in case I mean because you will need it.
7.For all you first born ladies, don’t forget to snag your sister's favorite _________ (jeans, boots, sweater).
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