5 Things To Know In Nashville After Dark | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things To Know In Nashville After Dark

Fules for Nashville's night life.

5 Things To Know In Nashville After Dark

Music City can be strange, oddly cramped, and a labyrinth of one-way streets that no GPS can get you through without complications. Parking is expensive and sometimes risky. Knowing where to go and what to do is essential to making your night a hit rather than a sour note.

1. Believe in the Buddy System.

Three may be a crowd and two might feel a bit like a date, but one is inadvisable. The bigger your group, the better. (Think of how cheap the parking can get if you're all splitting the bill!!)

While Nashville may seem like small fish to people that are used to big city life, it's best to traverse it with a buddy. For one thing, they know you and they will definitely be concerned if you go missing.

2. Age makes a difference.

Most bars won't let you in if you're under eighteen. (By that, I mean I have yet to find one. When I was seventeen and went to Nashville for the Fourth of July, I almost cried because I needed to pee but wasn't allowed to enter anything that was still open. Seriously, Nashville. Fix this.)

Are you already 18-20? Well, congrats. You can go inside to pee, but some places might make you leave after around ten or eleven o'clock. (Depending on the locale, of course.)

Oh, you're 21? You can go just about anywhere that is open and I envy you. (Soon. So sooooooooon.)

3. Parking is terrible most of the time.

Finding parking is a skill you acquire after traversing Nashville multiple times. You can try snagging a spot for free near the Pedestrian Bridge. (Over by the stadium) If you do, you should wear comfortable shoes for the walk into town. It's worth it though if that is the part of Nashville you want to see. The view from the bridge is one of my favorites.

You can also snag free parking outside some clubs. (Customer Parking is first come, first serve, but it is also a gift from the heavens.)

Cheap parking can be located at Gay St. If you choose this route, be aware of your surroundings. Gay St. isn't a very safe part of Nashville. Your safety is paramount. (I park there quite frequently and have yet to experience any issues, but I am also usually with a friend and look quite poor. In other words, I do not make myself a target.)

Parking garages are the devil and are to be avoided at all costs during big events. It may seem great, but you have to remember that all of those other cars are planning to leave at the same time as you.

4. Keep an open mind.

Some of the least expected places can foster the best of times. A few great places to check out after dark:

WannaB's is a super fun karaoke bar that is great for kicking back with your friends and enjoying the drunken exploits of the other patrons. Hop on stage and sing along to one of your favorite tunes. The environment is very supportive and friendly so there's nothing to fear. Can't sing? Neither can that guy who's been plastered since four, but he is fixing to take on "Ring of Fire" and you better believe we are going to cheer for him the whole way through. (And then find him a ride home because we are genuinely worried about his safety)

Play is a fun, high energy dance club with friendly staff and an atmosphere of acceptance. Thursdays are Lesbian Night. (Obviously, you can come regardless of orientation. It's a $5 cash entry fee on this night) Check their website to see when their next Drag Show is. They showcase both Kings and Queens and the show is always worth it. (Make sure to pack your singles!!) The dance floor is vibrant and lively. Dance like Michael Jackson or do the Macarena, no one is judging you!

Rocket Fizz is a delectable candy shop with chocolate frogs and caramel apples galore. Come in with cash or card in hand and be ready to sample some of their tasty treats. (I go here every time I am in the neighborhood. No one will stop me- not even my empty wallet.)

If you find yourself on Broadway, go ahead and peek in on some of the bars and stores. The people are usually very friendly and the atmosphere overall is enjoyable.

5. Be wary.

If a street looks sketchy, trust your gut. Just like anywhere else, Nashville has some places it's best to avoid.

When visiting any new place, it is important to do your research. Check into the places you plan on visiting during your stay and always make sure you have your phone on you at all times. You're going to want to take a lot of pictures, after all.

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