As my younger sister--the one that's not really my sister, but has always felt like one, you have taught me a lot of lessons. Some of those have been more intense than others, but I'm thankful for them all. Over the course of the past seven or so years, you have been influencing my life for the better –– and that's exactly what little sisters are for! Oh, and to make fun of and hang out with of course.
It's okay to give her all of your unwanted (probably too small) clothes.
Buying clothes is sooo expensive and this is a great way to show her you care! You want her to look cute and just because you don't fit into them anymore.
Family isn't defined by blood.
We all know this is true.
It is important to have a goofy side.
Being serious all the time can drain you--being able to have this goofy side can really help to ease your mind.
A true friend is one you can go days (or even weeks) without talking to and when you do speak , it's as if you never stopped.
Make sure you get the right size nose ring.
The other day, she called me in a panic because she couldn't get her new ring in! Then I did the same thing... so, lesson learned!
Food will always be something people bond over.
I cannot even count the amount of times we have hung out simply to eat. We are foodies for sure.
Always do your homework ahead of time.
I struggled to accept this at first, but soon grew to appreciate her hard work ethic in school. If it wasn't an A and wasn't done ahead of time, it wasn't going to work for her. She inspired me to carry this on to college and other aspects of my life.
You do not need to depend on makeup to feel pretty.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. A lot of girls won't even leave the bathroom after they shower until they have makeup on an we really shouldn't be that judgmental of one another. Imperfections and all, you are still pretty without makeup.