Growing up the youngest of four and having parents who were older than most taught me a lot. One thing it really taught me was that my parents will forever be overprotective. "Where are you going" or "Who are you going out with?" Or my favorite, "What time will you be home?" They did not do it because they didn't trust me. They did it because they loved me and wanted me to grow up smart, respectable and independent. Here are five things my overprotective parent taught me.
1. They are your parents. Not your friends.
Growing up many of my friends had what I saw as "cool parents" and I saw my parents as strict and well... uncool. One phrase that has always stuck with me was my mom telling me "I am your mom, not your friend." No, it wasn't that she wasn't a friend as well because my mom is my best friend. Your parents, however, are meant to be there to love you and protect you and guide you. Not party with you and give you your way. My parents helped me learn to have respect for myself and others because they were hard on me.
2. You need to be on time.
By being on time I mean when they say be home at ten you were home at ten. Not a minute after! This helped me learn to be on time for many things including work. If you tell someone you are going to be somewhere at a certain time do it. If I was late home I could expect something being taken away. Once again it wasn't them being mean it was to teach me responsibility.
3. You can always hear them telling you the right thing to do.
Bad choices are always tempting. However, growing up with my overprotective parents has taught me that they will always be in the back of my mind telling me the right thing to do. It's not because they want to control me. It's because I know that the best advice comes from your parents most of the time and that my mom and dad would help guide me to do the right thing.
4. They helped me to be independent.
Don't get me wrong, my parents are still there for me. They still help me out so much. But they have taught me that I am able to spread my wings and fly on my own because they educated me with the right things to do. Having my parents teach me the things they have has helped me learn how to grow on my own and make my own life choices.
5. I always have a support system
No matter how old I get or where I go I know I will forever have a strong willed support system behind me. My parents have only ever wanted what is best for me and that is what they still want. Them being overprotective has allowed me to know they always have my back.
Many people think that having overprotective parents is uncool. Fact is, it is, in all honesty, the most helpful and best thing a child could ever have. They taught me respect, responsibility and how to love. They taught me to be myself. My overprotective parents taught me more than anyone.