The Big-Little relationship is one that can never be replaced. Your Big was probably the sole reason why you joined your sorority in the first place or the reason you stayed. She most likely taught you many life lessons like how to survive college life while also corrupting you in the process. Here are some of the things that my Big taught me.
1. How to dress for every. single. sorority event. "Wait, we have to wear all black?"
2. When to fake taking that shot that otherwise would put you way over the edge.
3. ... And when to take that shot because “It's Saturday night."
4. How to have the perfect social outfit that draws a thin line between being clever, classy, funny and cute. And matching is even better.
5. To not take Friday classes in general.
6. That if a guy seems like he's bad news, he probably is.
7. That your closet will never compare to hers.
8. That you will never regret a “What are you going to wear tonight?” text. "Are we dressing cute or like casual cute?"
9. That showers take too long and dry shampoo holds better than hairspray anyway.
10. You will not regret taking A TON of pictures. "Let's do a laughing one"
11. That Saturdays are for day drinking … and Sundays are for movies.
12. That getting a little TOO into a social theme is never a bad thing. "Did you just draw a mustache on yourself?" "Yes."
13. That ordering a double is just economical.
14. To smile at the people that don't like you. We've all got haters.
15. That you can always find liquor at a “We only have beer." party.
16. That sometimes you just need buffalo chicken dip and a night in.
17. To NEVER forget your glasses that you need for class at home.
18. To walk into every place confidently.
19. That doing you is a great characteristic.
20. That ALL people make mistakes.
21. And that it's okay to make them.
22. That sometimes things take time. Friendships, relationships and especially Big Mamas lines.
23. That everything happens for a reason. Clearly, you didn’t end up as Big and Little by chance.
You're the best Big!